5 Inspiring Examples of Entrepreneurs in the Bible: Lessons for Modern Business Owners

5 Inspiring Examples of Entrepreneurs in the Bible: Lessons for Modern Business Owners

As Christian entrepreneurs, we must see our businesses as a calling and platform to fulfill God’s purpose for us on earth. 

We should also think of entrepreneurship as an act of stewardship and a creative trait God has deposited in his children to enable them to dominate the earth in various capacities. 

Because the concept of entrepreneurship is not expressly stated, you would be right to assume there is no such thing as biblical entrepreneurship. But again, we can see it in different ways and with different people in the bible. 

This leads us to the question; who are the prime examples of entrepreneurs in the bible? And that’s what this article will answer.

So, let’s explore the lives of some inspiring entrepreneurs in the bible and see lessons we can adopt as modern business owners. 

teal and black writing with bible in the backgroud examples of entrepreneurs in the bible Bible character in teal The Concept of Entrepreneurship in Biblical Context

To understand the concept of entrepreneurship in a biblical context, we need to understand the mindset and the practices of successful entrepreneurs in the bible.

In a nutshell, biblical entrepreneurship is simply doing business in God’s way, in a way that glorifies and dedicates our business to him. We have examples to follow:


Jesus Christ our savior understood the importance of entrepreneurship and even though he had a unique calling, He took time to help his earthly father, Joseph manage his carpentry business. (Matthew 13:5, Mark 6:3)


The renowned apostle Paul was also known to be a tentmaker (Acts 18:1-4). True entrepreneurship is an act of service, it goes beyond making a profit, it’s about first giving glory to God and honoring him.


We are his stewards, he has put us in charge of wealth and resources, and as such, as Christian business owners, we are to put God first and rely only on his directives to run our businesses. 


Examples of Entrepreneurs in the Bible

Lydia of Thyratira

When you think of entrepreneurs in the bible, one of the first names that comes to mind is Lydia. She was a successful businesswoman, who was a major dealer in purple cloths, and her reputation as a purple cloth merchant precedes her.


At the time, purple clothes were luxurious goods reserved for the elite. She was also part of the people who facilitated the establishment of the church in Philippi. 


She was referred to as a worshipper of God, one who heard God and indicated she had a good relationship with God. That is one important business principle in the bible every Christian entrepreneur should live by. 


Proverbs 31 woman

Referred to as a virtuous woman, the Proverbs 31 woman is a good model for women entrepreneurs today. She was named as an industrious and resourceful woman.


She displayed exceptional entrepreneurship abilities while running her home and managing her family.

Some of the bible verses in Proverbs 31 make us understand that she works hard, displays a good work ethic, and is creative, as she sells products she makes herself. 



It is fair to say Abraham was the most successful businessman of his era, more like Bill Gates, and Elon Musk of our time. He amassed significant wealth and was a force to reckon with in the cattle industry. 


Abraham was a good steward, in Genesis 13: 2 and 8 we saw that he had many livestock as well as trained herdsmen whom he raised efficiently to manage the livestock even when he was away. 


As a businessman, Abraham had faith, which we tend to call taking risks in modern times. He was also generous and hospitable. He accommodated Lot his nephew and did not feel like he had any kind of competition but rather he taught Lot how to become a successful businessman as well.


One thing that stands out in the life of Abraham is that despite his wealth and possession, he had a strong relationship with God. 



Boaz was a prominent man as stated in the bible from the book of Ruth. He was described as a prosperous landowner. He was involved in large-scale agriculture, as explained in the Bible. He had many fields, where he oversaw grain harvest.


Boaz was generous and hospitable. He was also a man of principle, he followed the custom of Bethlehem to detail, as seen by his leaving grains in the field for the poor to graze. He also at some point invited Ruth over to sit and eat with him and his workers.


As a business owner, be compassionate and don’t be too greedy to amass profit that you forget about humanity. Boaz gathered just the right harvest and gave others opportunities to have something to live on. 



Although it was not explicitly stated that Job was an entrepreneur, the possessions he had and the way he was portrayed suggest he might have been a businessman. Job 1:3 says He had lots of camels, oxen, and sheep among many other animals.


The greatest lesson from the life of a job is that it pays to trust God regardless of the situation. Job faced one of the biggest hardships anyone could ever experience when he lost his family (except his wife), wealth, and possessions in one day.

All his hard work seemed to have been in vain. But he trusted God and still did not curse God or throw away his faith. 


In due time, he had the greatest comeback of all time. It was recorded that he recovered all, and even had greater prosperity than before. 


Lessons and Principles for Modern Business Owners

There are several lessons and principles business owners can adopt from the lives of all these inspiring entrepreneurs in the bible. 


Lydia of Thyratria is a worshipper of God: although she was a successful businesswoman, she was known to be a worshipper of God. The bible recorded that God spoke to her. As a business owner, do you put God at the center of your business, or do you make him the side piece?

Lydia made God a priority despite how tasking her business was. And she was part of those who laid the foundation for the church in Phillippi. You can use your business as a platform to glorify God. 


Proverbs 31 Woman a virtuous and creative woman: This seems to be speaking directly to women but men can also learn from this.

The woman was industrious, she was able to juggle business and family, and still put her house in order. As a businesswoman, there is no excuse not to flourish in business. If you could only lean on God and commit all to him. 


teal and black writing with bible in the backgroud examples of entrepreneurs in the bible Bible character in teal

Abraham a man of Faith: Sometimes things might not seem as pleasing as you would like. Yes, your business needs to grow but you have stern competition.

The question is do you have faith in God? When Abraham and Lot had to go their separate ways, it wasn’t looking rosy for Abraham.

This was because Lot took the best land, but we see how Abraham kept the faith and won the race. Have faith in God with all your business activities and let him guide you. 


Boaz with A heart of service: He was a man of integrity, and he had the right attitude to work.

He was trustworthy and earned the respect of everyone around him. He also had a heart that thinks about others, he was generous to Ruth a foreign widow in the land.

Be a person of integrity, someone other entrepreneurs would want to emulate. 


Job Relying on God through thick and thin: Sometimes the business might not go as you’ll expect, and you might begin to doubt your conviction for starting.

But if you trust in God and read the scripture He will guide you through every financial drought and calm your financial storms. 


Application and Reflection

To excel in business there are certain biblical principles of entrepreneurship you can apply. Here are some key principles to reflect on:


As a business owner, learn to pray and meditate. Having consistent fellowship with God every day and dwelling on his word can give you unique perspectives and fresh ideas to apply in business. 


Be a person of integrity: let everyone know you for who you are and what you stand for. Don’t be a hypocrite. Let your yes be yes, so everyone can confidently say you are a true Christian even as an entrepreneur.


Hard work and dedication: It is not enough to pray and be a person of integrity, you also need to put in the work. The Bible in Provers says only diligent men would stand before kings.

So do your business with utmost excellence, and provide the best service you can. This is what God expects of you.


With my own business, I have learned to take charge of it as the steward that I am. I manage God’s resources with faith, integrity, and dedication.

I use my business to glorify God and bring people to his kingdom while also making a profit. And I encourage you to do the same. 



As a Christian entrepreneur, you can be successful in business while having a relationship with God. You are God’s stewards, and he expects you to manage his resources here on earth as you lead a good life and bring others to the kingdom.

Know that faith is key for every business owner, it means trusting God fully and following His leading in your business even when it doesn’t make logical sense.

If you allow God to dictate and guide you through your journey as an entrepreneur, you are sure to have a successful outcome.

Remember His words to us in Isaiah 1:19 “ If you will only let me help you, if you will only obey, then I will make you rich!”

Nicky Johnson

Angela Johnson is the owner and creator of Christian Blogging Academy (CBA) & Healthy As You Can (HAYC). She is also a veteran blogger and author with degrees in Business & IT. She started this blog to support other Christians who are bloggers, writers, and entrepreneurs (or those who aspire to be)!

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