
Hey Everyone, I’m Nicky and welcome to Christian Blogging Academy.

I’m really excited you’re here. Let me tell you about CBA, why I created it, and what to expect to see here. 

Who is the Christian Blogging Academy For?

Short Answer: The Christian Blogging Academy caters to Christians who kingdom and business-minded bloggers.

That means that I will create content for Christian bloggers who not only want to help people but who also want to turn their blogs into a money-making business.

What kind of content will CBA create?

I’ll be talking about things like:

How to Start A Business.
Business from a Biblical and Faith Standpoint.
Finding Your God-Given Purpose.
Online marketing (Social media, Email, Pinterest).
How Debt and Money Affect Your Business.
Business Travel.
What Has Worked For Me And What Hasn’t.
And How God Can Use Your Business To Impact Others For Him.



Nicky owner of Christian Blogging Academy sitting in office

And now for the book-length answers to those questions…

Why did I start the Christian Blogging Academy?

So many people are walking around unhappy depressed angry hopeless dejected regretful with the way their lives have turned out.

These are sometimes people with high paying, prestigious jobs where you think “Their life seems perfect”. When you hear later that they were depressed or suicidal or even worse, people are shocked.

“Didn’t she have it all?” they say?

Unfortunately not. You see, you can’t have it all if you don’t have Jesus.

And yet even some people who have Jesus, still don’t have as much joy as they could have because they aren’t walking in their God-given purpose.

How do I know?

Because I was one of those people.

For 20 years, I’ve felt like I was walking in a professional and personal wilderness, trying to find my place in this world.

I prayed “What am I supposed to do with my life, Lord?”

“More importantly where was I supposed to go? Where am I supposed to work?”

So He answered me and said, “Create your own space, start your own business.”

But, wait…no that’s too hard and risky and I’d have to be vulnerable and put myself out there, so no I’m good. I’m not one to step out of the shadows or be front and center.

Thanks though.

And because I didn’t listen to the Lord, I walked around for 20 years (Hey, I’m doing better than the Israelites, right?) in all kinds of emotional states.

Part of the time I was depressed because I didn’t have a job for 2 years.

I eventually overcame depression and instead downgraded my mood disorder to anxiety ( hey, that’s progress in my book).

I gained more weight than I ever had. I was drowning in debt with a low paying job.

Life is so much better when you ignore what God wants and live your own way right? So much fulfillment…not.

Thankfully, God is a patient and forgiving God (thank you Lord) and the more I start to walk in my purpose, the healthier in mind, body, and spirit I get (health is what I talk about on my other blog Healthy As You Can).

My purpose with this blog, I believe, is to help, develop, and support aspiring Christian women entrepreneurs and business-minded Christian bloggers to walk in their purpose.

I know there are other Christian women who are trying desperately to fit their square peg-ness into a round hole mentality ( the “go to school, go to work for 40 years, retire” mentality) and do not understand why they are miserable.

It’s because for whatever reason God called you to a different purpose. If He did call you to a different purpose, you won’t be able to do the 9 to 5 thing and find fulfillment.

Take it from me. Don’t walk in the wilderness for 20 years. It’s not fun.

Since I’ve been getting closer (not there yet) to living my purpose, I’ve been able to find victory over some of the issues I had in my wilderness walk:

  • I’ve overcome depression completely.
  • My anxiety is so much better but not gone. I still have anxiety about the future and if I’m on the right path but I take it to the Lord immediately (Now the real test is learning how to leave the anxiety there).
  • I’m completely out of debt and, in fact, have almost doubled my net worth which is important because learning how to blog as a business costs money and you don’t want to be spending money on courses when you’ve got a mountain of credit card debt (and trust me…you need courses).
  • I’ve lost 69 pounds from my highest weight and still losing. The biggest problem now is finding creative ways to get up and move because I could literally sit all day working on this blog if I didn’t actively think about it (See what I did there? Actively think about it…okay, I’m a dork carry on). And well there’s the eating too much of the wrong foods because it’s convenient and I don’t want to take the time to cook issue as well. I’m a work in progress, for sure.
  • I’m clearly not as afraid to be vulnerable as I used to be. Clearly.
  • And I’m finally stepping out in faith and running this blog as a business and not a hobby.

So I definitely have victories to praise God for! He’s been working diligently in my life to bring me to this point. Every day, as I pray for clarity, He is showing me more and more what this blog should be about.

I understand how not knowing your place in the world can lead you to dark places like depression and overeating.

I understand the fear you feel when God reveals to you what he wants you to do.

But you are too scared to do it because it’s difficult and you don’t know anyone else doing it and you’ll have to be vulnerable and be outside of your comfort zone and and and…

Have I covered all of the excuses we sometimes give for not stepping out of the boat in faith?

Naw, not really but I’ll stop there. You get the picture.

I understand how it feels to be a square peg (someone who hates the 9 to 5) in a sea of those with a round hole mentality (I’m not knocking those who have that mentality, mind you…I just know I don’t have it).

I understand the frustrations and obstacles of fighting like mad to finally get out the round hole you’ve so awkwardly been trying to fit into.

I’m still fighting like mad to pull myself out of that hole. Lord willing, I will soon and I hope to bring many of you with me.

Thank you so much for reading this through to the end. If you’d like to inquire about 

If you’re new, please start here: 5 Reasons You Can Make Money From Your Christian Blog Without Guilt.