11 Biblical Ways To Overcome Procrastination In Your Business Or Blog!

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Procrastination is a common factor in the lives of many people. We all do it, but it can be a source of stress or anxiety. You’re sitting there with your list of to-do’s for the day, and all of a sudden, you decide to check Facebook instead of working.
Or, you spend the morning putting off writing that report, and then you go home and check your email instead.
Procrastination can be a useful and productive way to avoid getting pulled into the vortex of your to-do list, but it can also result in error after error.
It’s more than just being lazy, it’s a problem and one that you can overcome. In this article, we’ll discuss how to overcome procrastination in your business and how you can prevent it from getting in the way of your success.
Prayer For Overcoming Procrastination In Your Business
It is no secret that many small business owners struggle with procrastination (link).
You know, the kind of procrastination that keeps you from getting your business off the ground, even when it’s a great idea.
You know, the kind that can keep you up at night.
There are a number of reasons for this. You might not have a routine for getting your tasks done or you might not have the skills that are required to get things done.
In this post, I’m going to share with you 7 tips for prayer for overcoming procrastination in your business.
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How To Overcome Business Procrastination Biblically
1. Create a Plan
If you don’t plan your day or week ahead of time, you are likely to let your business take over everything else. If you do have a plan, then you are more likely to get things done on time. You can start by setting deadlines for yourself.
2. Get Rid of Distractions
We all have those moments when we think to ourselves “I’ll just read one more article” or “I will just watch one more video on YouTube before I go to bed” and the next thing you know it is 2 am and it is time for bed again.
Make sure that if you are trying to focus on a task at hand that you cut off any distractions that might prevent you from getting the task done.
3. Keep Tasks Small
It is easier said than done, but try breaking down your tasks into small steps rather than tackling them all at once. By doing this, it makes it easier for you to get started and stay motivated throughout the project.
4. Reward Yourself
Don’t wait until the project is complete to reward yourself with something that will make that project seem worth it in the end (i.e.: going out for ice cream).
This way, even if the project isn’t finished yet, you can still treat yourself as a mini-reward for making progress on what needs to be done now.
5. Start with a Focal Prayer
A focal prayer is an opening prayer that sets the tone for everything you will do throughout the day.
You might want to thank God for His provision or you might want to ask Him for guidance with a specific task. Either way, start with a focal prayer that fits your needs.
6. Focus on God’s Will
God has a big plan for your business. He has a plan for you and your family. And, He has a plan for the world.
You may be struggling with procrastination because you’re not sure what His will is for your life or your business. The truth is, if you truly believe in God, then you can’t help but focus on His will for you and His word.
Praying about it regularly will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel and keep going.
7. Focus on the Future
It is easy to get caught up in the minutiae and lose sight of the big picture. Slow down and focus on what you want your future to look like. What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish?
This will help you narrow down what tasks need to be done today. If some tasks don’t seem like they’ll help you meet your goal, then they can wait until tomorrow or next week.
You may also want to ask a friend or family member for their opinion on your business plan. They will likely see things that you don’t, which could mean hours saved by planning ahead of time.
8. Be Grateful
Did you know that people who are grateful are less likely to be procrastinators? It’s true!
Be grateful for what you have, and give thanks for everything that happens. That way, when things go wrong or don’t go as planned, you can be at peace with it.
Gratitude is one of the best ways to combat procrastination because it helps put things into perspective.
Prayer is a powerful way to fight against procrastination because it provides an opportunity for reflection.
When you pray, you will feel more grateful for what has been accomplished and what has yet to be accomplished in your life. It also provides a chance to reflect on the blessings that you have been given.
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9. Ask for Help
You know it’s true. You won’t make as much progress alone as you would if you asked for help.
And that’s okay. It only means you need to ask for help more than you think you do.
No one is an island, no matter how much they seem like they are.
So take a deep breath and let people in your community know what your needs are.
You might find yourself surprised by the number of people who offer to help, or maybe someone will offer to trade services with you (for example, maybe you can provide them with marketing services in exchange for their accounting services).
It doesn’t matter how they offer, just that they do!
10. Find the Root of the Problem
The first thing you need to do is find the root of the problem. In order to overcome procrastination, you have to take a look at what’s keeping you from getting your tasks done and make some changes (link).
I talk about that more in my post about Breaking The Spirit Of Procrastination which you can read here.
For example, say that you are struggling with procrastination because you don’t know how to do the task. You would want to set aside time in your schedule for training so that you can learn how to complete the task by yourself.
Or say that you get overwhelmed by the amount of work on your plate. You would want to set limits for yourself as far as how many tasks you work on each day.
The point is, once you find out why you’re being a procrastinator, it will be easier for you to fix it!
11. Ask God for the Strength You Need to Finish
The most important thing you can do is to ask God for the strength you need to finish what you set out to do.
Sometimes, when we are procrastinating, it’s because we don’t feel like doing the task at all. We might be overwhelmed by it, or not know where to start.
We are also often tempted to give up on something that is really good for us and for our business.
But if we pray about that and ask God for help, He will give us the strength we need…just as He has promised in His Word.
Prayer doesn’t always have instant results though so be patient and trust in His timing.
It’s worth remembering that “a delayed plan is a plan until God intervenes.”
Which Anti-Procrastination Tip Will You Try First?
We all have to deal with it. The fear of starting. The fear of finishing. The fear of the work that needs to be done.
The fear of the work we are afraid to do, the work we don’t want to do, and the work that needs to be done.
We all have our own doubts, fears, and insecurities that cause us to procrastinate.
But with Jesus Christ, you can overcome procrastination! You can find a way to release your fears and its grip on your life with his help!
Through him, you can find a way to not only overcome your procrastination but also find a way to live your life with a sense of peace and accomplishment!
I hope after reading this post, you believe this is possible! Please share which anti-procrastination tip you plan to try first!
If 7 Biblical Ways To Overcome Procrastination In Your Business Or Blog has helped you, please share it!
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