How To Use Landing Pages To Rapidly Grow Your Blog’s Email List

Hey, ya’ll and welcome to day 8 of my Write 31 Days Challenge called Email List Building 101 where I will write about how to build an email list and build a relationship with your subscribers.
Let’s do a quick recap. We’ve already gone over these subjects
We know how treat readers like humans and not a Google analytics stat,
The blogging mistake that pretty cost me everything ( ok slightly dramatic)
The 5 five lessons I learned from the blogging mistake that cost me everything
Why you need an email list if you ever want to make money
The 3 tools you need to start an email list
Reviews of the Email Autoresponders I’ve used’
Now, we are going to briefly talk about some of the squeeze pages available on the market.
In my the 3 tools post you need to start an email list post, I explained what a squeeze page is but I will go over it again here just in case you missed it.
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What in the world is a squeeze page?
I could define a squeeze page for you but perhaps I’ll just demonstrate to you what a squeeze page is. If you click on this link it will lead you to a page that only has one purpose.
The only reason for its existence is to get you to sign up for the free gift (in this case it’s a free 55 step action plan to build your blogging business).
This page doesn’t have links to any other pages. I don’t want you to like me on Facebook or follow me on Instagram or Twitter.
This page is only there to get you to give your email address in exchange for the freebie. If the viewer decides they want the free gift, they put in their email address.
The email address gets sent to my email autoresponder (ie Convertkit) and the Convertkit sends that new subscriber the free gift.
If they don’t want it, they click away.
If only I could be as focused on one task in real life as a squeeze page is…but I digress.
This squeeze page, if you have a self-hosted blog, is not just a simple page that you create on your WordPress dashboard.
It is usually created via a third-party plugin or an external website that integrates with your blog.
I personally only have experience with two (3) squeeze page creators. I will tell you my experience with them and then let you know about some other options you have for squeeze pages.
One is fairly easy to use and the other has a pretty steep learning curve.
Squeeze Page Tools You Can Use To Grow Your Email List
1. Seedprod’s Coming Soon Page
The Coming Soon Page plugin from Seedprod is by far the easiest of the 2 squeeze page plugins that I’m going to mention today.
If you are not highly tech savvy this is definitely one that I recommend.
Their customer service is some of the best I’ve ever gotten. it’s so lightning fast! It seems like someone is always there watching the support email account in case someone messages them.
When you have a problem they try and solve it as quickly as they can. It’s pretty amazing.
The plugin is also easy to use. You do have to upload the plugin as opposed to just searching for the plugin on WordPress and installing it.
It’s really not a big deal. When you’re in your dashboard, once you get to the plugins page, you click on the upload plugins button and locate the zip file and upload it. It’s pretty simple.
Then, after you activate your license, you go to the settings tab in the dashboard and click on the Coming Soon Pro option.
There you can make all the changes you need to make. You can add a picture of your optin, change the heading and content of what you want the text to say. You also can integrate your autoresponder with the squeeze page here.
Here is a look at what my squeeze page looks like that I made with Coming Soon Pro. Very easy to make.
Overall: If your budget is a little tight I would definitely recommend Coming Soon Pro. No hesitation. Even if your budget isn’t tight, I would still recommend them because it is a quality product that is easy to use.
2. Thrive Architect
Oh man, without a doubt this is the more difficult of the two to use. I haven’t been using it long, granted, just a few days in fact.
Usually, I can figure new programs out pretty quickly but this one has more of a learning curve.
I know that once you learn it, you can make amazing landing pages, homepages, and squeeze pages.
But if you are not highly tech savvy you might have some trouble learning how to create them.
If you’re not adverse to learning how to use new programs, then Thrive Architect might be for you.
Thrive Architect comes from the suite of products from the Thrive Themes company. I do highly recommend their themes, as the theme that I use, is from Thrive Themes.
This is a company I feel comfortable recommending because I know they put out quality products, there are tons of YouTube video tutorials on how to use their products and the Thrive Themes site also has a lot of tutorials that can help you build a squeeze page.
Overall: If you are not tech savvy, this may not be for you but if you are or you like to experiment, then this would definitely be a good option for you.
3. Convertkit
This, in fact, was a bonus, that I didn’t find out about until recently but I’m really excited about it.
Apparently, you can also make a landing page ie squeeze page with Convertkit.
And it’s really easy to use too.
I had no idea this is possible but this is really exciting because if you already have Convertkit, you don’t have to invest in a separate tool in order to build your squeeze page, so this saves you time and saves your money!
Totally awesome. If you don’t have Convertkit then click here.
Overall: If you’re looking for an all in one solution where you can collect emails, create forms, and squeeze pages in one program then Convertkit is the best option!
If you don’t like any of my suggestions…
Here Are Some More Squeeze Page Options For You
If you’re not feeling any of these options that I mentioned before then these articles have some additional tools that you can choose from
Regardless of which one you choose, please choose one soon. I don’t want the purpose of this blog and of this series to be lost. This is not just about making money.
Blogging Can Change Hearts & Minds and Christians Need To Be A Part Of That
We have a message about the risen Savior and people want to know about it. We need to learn as much as we can about building email list, SEO, blogging, writing, and using the power of the internet to point others to Jesus.
That’s what this blog was created for. Do not think that we should just treat this as a hobby or no big deal. Reading blogs has literally changed my life.
Some of the blogs that I have read over the years have completely changed my perspective on life.
That’s huge! That’s powerful!
People go online every day searching for answers to their deep probing needs. Their spiritual needs.
I don’t mean to be rude to anyone but if we think that we can just write a blog post and the Lord is just going to send the people to it that need to read it, we are sadly mistaken!
I don't mean to be rude to anyone but if we think that we can just write a blog post and the Lord is just going to send the people to it that need to read it, we are sadly mistaken! Share on X
We need to use the tools, resources, and knowledge available to us online to go out and make our content known so those people who do need it can find it.
There are millions if not billions of websites online and they are all fighting for our attention.
We can’t think that we will just happen to get an audience because they felt lead here.
Let’s be bold and action-oriented. Let’s treat our blogs like a business or a ministry if you don’t plan on making money from it.
That means that we take courses and learn and pray about what we are learning so we can reach more people.
I don’t mean for this to sound like a rant. I just know first hand the power of the internet to influence people.
I’m really excited about some of the posts I’m seeing in Christian Facebook groups. There are some leaders emerging who really get how much of an impact we can make online.
I want to be a part of that…don’t you?
We as Christian bloggers have the opportunity to really change the lives of our readers for Christ. Share on X
If you’re interested in learning more about blogging for business and impact then please download my free Christian business blogging roadmap. Just enter your email below.
Thanks for bearing with me.
Love you guys and I’ll see you in tomorrow’s post.