17 Steps To Building Your Blog’s Email List From Scratch + The Truth On How My Email List Grew By 175%

How to build an email list from scratch for your blogging beginners
Have you ever climbed a mountain?
You climb and you climb. You look up at the mountain’s peak and think I’ll never get there.
It’s so far away. But you’re determined to do it. Every step seems more ragged than the last. Sometimes you slip just barely hanging on but you don’t give up.
Until finally you’re there at the top and you look down in disbelief that the moment is here. You traversed all of that rugged terrain. You refused to quit and now you can revel in your accomplishment.
Writing this email challenge was a lot like climbing a mountain.
Okay, maybe not a lot like climbing a mountain.
Maybe it only bears a small resemblance to a mountain climbing.
Never the less, this Writing 31-day challenge has been a challenge indeed and it’s one I’m so glad that I took.
My email list has grown 175% compared to last month and I am so grateful for each and every one of you that have joined my subscriber list. If you are interested in joining my email list you can do so right here.
This last post in the Email List Building 101 series is going to be a recap of everything that we’ve gone over in the past month.
And as promised I have combined all the previous posts in a free pdf download.
That way if you want to read them all but don’t want to go traipsing all over my blog to find them or you want to read them offline you can do that quickly and easily.
Just save it in your iBooks or the Android equivalent and you can read them anytime. Download a pdf guide of the email list building 101 series.
Now here are the steps to building an email list from scratch.
How To Build An Email List From Scratch For Blogging Beginners
1. Pray over your blog readers and email subscribers to figure out how you can serve them.
When we pray for your subscribers instead of thinking so much about what we can sell them, we will think about how we can serve them.
2. Make sure you start your email list immediately and concentrate on growing it.
That way if the main source of your traffic has an algorithm change you will still have access to your audience.
3. This happened to me when I was on the first page of Google and the algorithm changed and I was thrown off the first page never to be seen from again.
4. An email list can help you make money because you can build trust with your subscribers better than you can blog readers.
Subscribers have invited you into their online house so to speak and so they feel more comfortable buying products you recommend or create.
5. The only tools you need to start an email list is an autoresponder, squeeze page service, graphics tools.
Sometimes, you can even get the squeeze page and autoresponder with one provider like Convertkit.
The graphics tool is to make your email opt-in freebie, the squeeze page has the form where the potential subscriber puts in their email address.
The autoresponder automatically sends the new subscriber the email opt-in freebie you created
6. Now you have to choose an autoresponder service.
There are tons of autoresponder services to choose from but the ones I recommend are Aweber and Convertkit
7. Next, choose a squeeze page tools.
The squeeze page tool I recommend is Seedprod’s Coming Soon Pro which is very easy to install and use.
8. Create goals for your list.
You want to create goals for your list to help you decide which kind of freebie to create.
9. It’s time to create your opt-in.
This post has videos to help you create your email opt-in freebies.
10. This post has some things to consider when creating an email opt-in freebie.
11. This post contains some email opt-in freebie inspiration or ideas on what you could create.
12. This is a quiz that tests you on tips we have covered so far.
13. The graphic design tools mentioned in this post give you some alternatives to Canva (but Canva is on the list too).
14. Decide where you will put your email opt-in forms.
If you don’t know where you should put your opt-in forms this posts gives you some ideas of where they should go.
15. Struggling to get traffic from Facebook to your blog is nothing new.
Hopefully, these 4 eye-opening tips will help, so the struggle’s not quite so real. When you drive traffic to your blog you automatically are promoting your email list (if you’ve put your forms in the right place).
16. The Pinterest traffic tip post discusses ways you can use Pinterest to drive traffic to your blog and grow your email list.
17. You can also buy Pinterest ads to accelerate your email lists’ growth.
And you have it. My 31 days of email marketing adventure has come to an end. I hope you have been blessed this series and I can’t wait to see you on the next post.