7 Powerful Prayers for Entrepreneurs: Seeking God’s Guidance and Blessings in Business Ventures

teal and white writing prayers for entreprenuers.

7 Powerful Prayers for Entrepreneurs: Seeking God’s Guidance and Blessings in Business Ventures

Starting an entrepreneurial journey is a major risk. Starting a new business is a daunting adventure and trust me, you will need guidance from the Holy Spirit and lots of prayer. 

Starting a company of any size can get tough, and you need patience, courage, passion, and undeterred commitment to ride the wave of uncertainty…I’m in the midst of this battle right now with my real estate business!

Thinking about everything involved in starting and running a business can be overwhelming, making you lose sight of what is really important which is the guidance of God which you can only get through prayers. 

The importance of prayer in business can sometimes be underrated. But we see in the Bible how Jesus Christ started everything he did with prayers and He is our perfect example.

As an entrepreneur seeking guidance and success in business, I hope this post will help you learn to pray over your new endeavor and seek the prayer requests of others in your community. 

Stay with me as I reveal the significance of prayers, and show you the right way to pray when venturing into or running a business!

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The Importance of Prayer in Entrepreneurship

Prayer is a weapon every Christian needs to leverage and its impact in every aspect of your life cannot be over-emphasized.

Having God at the center of your business is equally essential, and one of the ways to invite God into your business is through prayer.

Remember, entrepreneurship involves lots of decision making and one wrong decision can alter the course of your business in the wrong direction.

This is why we need to rely on God’s guidance and the good news is He’s always willing to help when we call on Him. 

In the Bible verse, Isaiah 48:17, God also said He’ll teach your hands to profit, which means He’s interested in seeing your business thrive and experience financial increase.

As such, commit every step you take, every decision you make, and every customer you interact with to God in prayer.

If you don’t know where and how to begin, here are some prayers for entrepreneurs that you can write in your prayer journal and say aloud.


Prayers for Clarity and Vision

Successful enterprises have a few things in common, vision, clarity of purpose, and a definite sense of direction.

As an entrepreneur, it’s possible to lack any of these traits, especially at the initial stage of setting your business goals.

If that sounds like where you are currently, here’s a Bible way to pray: 

Dear Heavenly Father, I give you praise, and I worship you for who you are. Thank you for all you have done so far and thank you for what you will do. Concerning my business and entrepreneurial pursuit, Lord grant me clarity and vision. Shine your light on my path to see clearly what you want me to do. Guide me towards fulfilling your purpose for me through this business. Give me a vision that aligns with your purpose for my life. Lead me through, help me have clarity amidst every uncertainty. Let my business glorify you and serve humanity. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen”


Prayers for Courage and Strength

Courage and strength are key traits every Christian entrepreneur should have. The journey might seem rough and you might run out of energy, but God’s strength and courage can keep you going in those dark moments.

For courage and strength, you can pray thus:

“Dear Father, thank you for this vision and clarity you’ve given unto me to be able to start my entrepreneurial journey. Lord your word says fear not and be courageous. Father, strengthen my resolve. Give me the strength and courage to face all fears whenever they arise. Help me pursue my vision with resilience and boldness and come out strong through every trial. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.” 


Prayers for Wisdom and Discernment

Wisdom and discernment help you know how to handle any type of situation. 

As I said before, I have a new real estate business that I’m running with my family. It has been an adventure for sure and there have been so many situations where I need QUICK guidance on how to handle a situation. 

And guess what? Every time that Lord has provided it. I’ll ask for clarity and wisdom and it grants it like the generous Father He is. 

It guides you on how to respond to certain customers and what to avoid when conducting business. For wisdom and discernment, you can pray thus:


“Dear Father in Heaven, I thank you for how far you’ve helped me. Your word says wisdom is the principal thing, and you are the God of wisdom. Dear Father, grant me wisdom and the spirit of discernment as I reach certain crossroads in my business. Help me to draw from your wisdom and discern according to your plans for me amidst all the pressure and chaos of competition. Help me to make the right choice that will glorify you in all situations. Guide all my decisions with your love and wisdom, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen”


Prayers for Success and Prosperity

Every entrepreneur desires to have a successful business, but some don’t pray for it because they don’t see the need to.

Well, the Bible encourages us to pray about everything without ceasing and since God is not anti-success, we can be confident that He will listen to our prayers and answer them according to His will. 


Here is a powerful prayer for success and prosperity:

“Dear Father, success and prosperity come from you. The Bible says it is the Lord that teaches us to prosper and make wealth. I ask that you guide me as I continue to build this business. Help it grow to the point that I can only say it’s been God all the way. I put my trust in you and no one else, to help my business impact lives positively. Align my customers, suppliers, and employees to work in the light of your word, so that the business can continue to prosper under your watchful eyes. In your wonderful name, I pray. Amen!”


Prayers for Perseverance and Resilience

Things will not always go your way, that is why perseverance and resilience are important. I talk about how easy it is to feel discouraged when trying to build your business in this post

Eventually, you could begin to doubt your conviction and wonder “why am I even doing this and working this hard?”  If you have said something similar in frustration, trust me I totally relate. 

I hope this prayer for perseverance and resilience, will encourage you: 

“Dear God, I humbly come before you today, and ask that you grant me the strength to persevere in the face of setbacks and challenges. I know difficulties and hardship are parts of running a business, but Father teach me to be resilient. Help me to hold out and bounce back from every challenge and setback with more drive and faith. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray Amen.”


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Powerful Prayers For Financial Health

Your financial health is a good measure of how well your business is thriving or otherwise.

If your financial health is not on the strong side, it’s only a matter of when and not if you will start struggling financially.

That is why the prayer for financial health is key for entrepreneurs. When you want to pray, here’s how:

“Heavenly Father, you are Lord over all and every aspect of my life is under your care including my financial health. I trust in you and embrace your grace to sustain me financially. Lord grant me the grace, wisdom, and intelligence to manage my finances in such a way that my financial health always reflects your glory. Take away from me anything that wants to cripple my financial health and help me prosper beyond measure. In Jesus name I pray. Amen”


Use These Powerful Prayers For Business Growth Prosperity and Guidance

As an entrepreneur, integrating prayers into your entrepreneurial journey should be non-negotiable because prayer is the key that shapes everything in your favor. 

To reap the maximum reward of prayer, you need to depend on God and build a thriving relationship with Him. That way you can rely solely on him as your plan, A – Z, ensuring it is God or nothing. 

As you do, you’ll also find yourself growing in faith, and have a thriving spiritual life that makes it easy to follow God’s voice and leading. So friends, trust God and commit your business to Him through praying the right way. He’ll not fail nor forsake you. 

My true desire is to see my God-glorifying businesses in the marketplace.

Because of that, I would love to know how I can pray for your business today!

Please leave a comment below so I can pray for you by name!

Nicky Johnson

Angela Johnson is the owner and creator of Christian Blogging Academy (CBA) & Healthy As You Can (HAYC). She is also a veteran blogger and author with degrees in Business & IT. She started this blog to support other Christians who are bloggers, writers, and entrepreneurs (or those who aspire to be)!

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