How To Promote Your Blog Using Pinterest & Grow Your Email List Like A Weed

How To Promote Your Blog With Pinterest
I bet you thought the hard work was over.
You’ve already set up your autoresponder (if you haven’t then click here to read more about them), you already have a squeeze page set up (if not click here to choose a squeeze page builder), and you’ve already made your email opt-in.
So now you just sit back and watch the subscriptions roll in, right?
If you build it they will come don’t work in the blogging world. Oh how I wish it did my friend but once you build it, you must promote it.
For me, this is the hardest part. I’m terrible at self-promotion and if you are too this is a hurdle that you must jump over to start building your email list in any real way.
So once you’ve set everything up, you have to start driving traffic to your blog and your squeeze page where your opt-in forms reside.
Need to make money from your Christian blog to support your family? Click here to get my free 55 step checklist that shows you how.
Need help scheduling your Pinterest Pins? Get thee to the Tailwind website immediately. You will be blessed.
This post may contain affiliate links which means I get a commission if you purchase something after clicking on one of those links. But don’t worry. I’m not going to recommend something I don’t really believe it because that would just be wrong.
How do we drive Pinterest traffic to our blogs and to our opt-in freebie?
Glad you asked!
One of the most important ways to drive traffic to your blog from Pinterest is by being found in search via keywords.
Let’s discuss how to be found in Pinterest search.
How to promote your blog using Pinterest SEO
Promoting your blog and being found in Pinterest search is a matter of getting your keywords combination right in these places:
1.Pinterest Board descriptions
What you say in your board descriptions matter. They should be rich with keywords. For instance, if you have a board named Blogging Tips, you should have blogging tips in the board description as well.
You want to use the same keywords in the board description as you do in the board name. Going back to my previous example.
If I have a board named “Christian blogging tips” then I will put in the board description something like “Christian blogging tips that will help you gain more readers” or something to that effect.
2. Pinterest Board Name
The board name should be a keyword that your target audience is searching for. For my target audience, I will type into Pinterest, Christian blog.
Then I will look at the keyword suggestions that come up underneath the search bar and I will use those keywords as the names of my boards.
That’s because I know this is what my audience wants to know about.
3.Pin Descriptions
The pin descriptions should also be what? You guessed it! Keyword rich. Noticing a pattern here? Something I’m going to try.
Now let’s go back to my previous example.
If you can use the keyword Christian blogging tips in that particular pin’s description (meaning it actually applies to that pin) and you pin it to the board named Christian blogging tips, which has a board description with the keywords Christian blogging tips, then if someone searches for Christian blogging tips, I’m hoping my pin will be optimized so well that my pins show up in search for that keyword.
See how all of the same keywords are found in different places on Pinterest?
This boosts your visibility in Pinterest because all of these keywords let Pinterest know what your account, boards, and pins are about!
Update: Click here to read about a new Pinterest marketing strategy I’m trying for 2020-2021!
5. Pin headlines
Then if you actually put on the pin itself the keyword “Christian blogging tips”, you have done a beautiful job in the keyword department!
But wait there’s more.
6. The name of your blog post
If the name of the blog post that the pin is leading too also has the keywords Christian blogging tips, then you have almost hit the keyword jackpot at this point.
Do You Understand Where To Put Your Pinterest Keywords So You Can Promote Your Blog?
At this point, I hope you can see just how important keywords are and see how they work. They work synergistically to help your target reader find your content on Pinterest.
If you can put a keyword or keyword phrase in all of those different places then you stand an amazing chance at your pins being found in search.
If your pins are found in search then they are likely to be clicked on more often (if you’re writing headlines they would click on) and then you will be driving traffic to your blog and to your opt-in freebie by default.
If Pinterest has you feeling crazy confused then this course, Pinterest Traffic Avalance, is well worth the money.
I use this course as a reference all the time and if you read the next section of this post, you’ll see how this course has helped me.
My Email List has Grown 175% This Month. This is Why
As this email list building 101 series is winding down (phew), I hope the big picture is really coming together.
I hope these posts have illuminated how to start building an email list. I know that in this month alone my email list has grown 175% over last year praise God!
I’m so thankful that these strategies have been working and I hope they have been helpful for you. This is why I believe it has grown so much.
1. I believe it’s because I’m learning more about my audience and what they want to know about.
2. I’m producing content that they want to read. This is, in turn, driving more readers to my blog and then exposing them to my freebie.
3. I also believe it has grown this much because I’ve been producing so much steady content. The more (high-quality, hopefully) content you produce and promote the more eyeballs see your content. Plain and simple.
These strategies and much more are what I’m learning in courses like in Pinterest Traffic Avalanche.
If Pinterest is a mystery to you like it was to me when I first started using it, these resources will help you understand how to use Pinterest to grow your email list.
The Top 5 Pinterest Marketing Tools I Wish I’d Had Before I Created My First Pin
If you’re struggling to understand Pinterest then I want to share with you this freebie I created.
Having these resources in the beginning or even middle of my journey would have saved me from so many Pinterest marketing headaches.
If you’re interested, just enter your email below and I’ll send you this resource FREE and you’ll also be subscribed to my newsletter with blogging insights, tips, discounted blogging resources, and more!
Okay, ya’ll…just two more days of the email list building 1o1 series. See you guys there.
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