How (& Why) To Join Tailwind Tribes In 6 Clear Easy To Follow Steps (Tutorial With Pictures)

Have you heard about Tailwind Tribes and how much they can increase traffic to your blog? If you have and you’re ready to know more, then read my step by step tutorial on how to join Tailwind Tribes!
Personally, I joined the Tailwind Tribes game a little late. But that was a blogging mistake because when you create quality content, you can grow your reach so much faster with Tailwind Tribes.
I know how awesome it is when I log into my Tailwind account and go to the Tribes tab and see all of my new reshares and repins.
It’s super exciting to be able to collaborate with other bloggers and help grow each other’s influence!
If you don’t have Tailwind you can try it here for free no credit card required.
This is an affiliate link ya’ll which means I will get a commission if you sign up using my link. I promote Tailwind because I truly find it invaluable.
If for some strange reason I could only choose one tool to promote my blog, it would be Tailwind no joke.
Try Tailwind free by clicking here. You’ll get to schedule 100 free pins to Pinterest
So you know what to expect, in this post, I’m going to tell/show you:
1) Briefly what Tailwind is
2) Briefly what Tailwind Tribes are
3) Clear Step by step instructions on how you can join a Tailwind Tribe
4) The specific names of the best Tailwind Tribes especially for Christian bloggers to grow their blog traffic and increase their reach!
Alright let’s go ya’ll whoop whoop
What is Tailwind (very brief intro)?
It’s possible that you just stumbled upon this post out of curiosity wondering what is a Tailwind and should I care.
Well if you’re a blogger, yes you should care. You should care very much.
Tailwind is really the best (no for real ) way to save time and grow your blog traffic using Pinterest marketing. I probably get the majority of my traffic from Tailwind (I’m not sure why I said probably because I know for a fact this is true).
Tailwind is an app that bloggers, businesses, writers, influencers can use to schedule pins on Pinterest.
You can schedule pins months in advance as opposed to pinning every single day manually (and you should be pinning every day).
What are Tailwind Tribes & Why Should you Join Them?
Tailwind tribes are just one of the many features available to use within Tailwind.
But the best part is this though:
Tailwind is not free to use (beyond the free trial) but you can use Tailwind Tribes for free!
I’ll get to how you can join a Tribe in just a minute…let me just go over first what Tribes are and why you should join them.
Tailwind Tribes are somewhat similar to Pinterest group boards but so much better.
In a Tailwind Tribe you:
1) Can join a group of like-minded creators who blog on similar topics
2) Add your pins to the group to be potentially reshared by other members of that group.
For instance, if we are both in the His Grace Girls tribe and you see my pin about making a spiritual impact with your blog and you want to share it on your personal Christian Blogging Tips board you can do that.
And if I see your pin on how to write brilliant bible studies, I can add that to my own personal “Bible Study Ideas” board.
Why Does This Matter?
Sharing your pins this way allows you to grow your reach faster than just sharing your pins only on your boards!
I’ve seen a lot of growth since I started using Tailwind Tribes.
Of course, there’s so much more to Tribes than this but like it said, this would be brief!
Now let me show you how to join Tailwind Tribes.
How To Join Tailwind Tribes
So let’s go through the 6 steps on how to join Tailwind Tribes.
Step 1: Go to the homepage of Tailwind.
Step 2: Click the red button that says “Get Started Free” and sign up using your Pinterest account.
You’ll see a screen asking you to allow Tailwind to access your Pinterest account. This is perfectly safe and nothing to worry about. I’ve never had any security problems when using Tailwind ever.
They will ask you to fill out a short form with your email address and your name and a password. And that’s it. You’re in like Flynn!
* It might ask you (or seem like they are forcing you) to install the Google Chrome extension. I recommend you do that but if you don’t want to then you just click “technical issues…skip this step” even if you’re not having tech issues. *
*You might have to through some tutorials the first time you log in. They are very helpful and don’t take long to go through*
This is what the main Tailwind dashboard looks like.
Step 3: Click where it says Tribes on the left-hand side.
Now you’re on the general Tribes page which looks like this:
If you haven’t joined any tribes it might look a little different so keep that in mind.
Step 4: Now click on where it says Find a Tribe. It’s right next to Your Tribes & Insights.
Step 5: Once you are on the Find A Tribe page you should search either for your main keyword that’s relevant to your board or you should search for a specific tribe you want to join.
For instance, if you are a marriage blogger then you would type in marriage. Or if you just want general Christian tribes then type in “Christian” and hit enter.
And then below, when you see a tribe in the list that you want to join (or request to join because not all tribes are able to be joined without approval), you would type in that specific tribe name in the search field.
For instance, you want to request to join the His Grace Girls tribe, search for that specific name.
Here’s what the Tribes search page looks like:
Now type in the keyword or the name of the tribe you are looking for and hit enter.
A list of tribes will populate. Scroll down the list to see which ones catch your eye.
When you see one that you think might be a good fit, click the “Preview Tribe” button.
This is what it looks like inside a Tailwind Tribe.
I know there’s a lot going on so in a separate post I will break down what all the elements of the Tribe are.
For now, just scroll through the pins and see if you can find relevant content that you can pin to your boards.
If so then click the bright green “Join Now” button at the top of the page.
Congrats! You just joined your first Tribe. YAY!
Or you might have to click the blue “Request to Join” button.
When you click the request to join button, you have the option of choosing to write a message to the owner of the tribe to plead your case.
If you have some connection to the tribe owner or some of the members I would mention that in the message.
Also, I would state the name of my blog and the main topic of the blog to show that it is a good fit. You don’t have to write a message but it increases your chances of getting approved.
Step 6: If you’re not feeling this particular tribe hit the “Back To Search” link and keep searching.
You can find the blue “Back To Search” link near the top of the dashboard on the left-hand side of the screen next to the search magnifying glass, New, Yours, See More tabs.
Clicking this link will take you back to the page you were on before. If you click your browser back arrow you will have to start your search over again.
How To Join Tailwind Tribes Recap
Step 1: Go to the homepage of Tailwind.
Step 2: Click the red button that says “Get Started Free” and sign up using your Pinterest account.
Step 3: Now click where it says Tribes on the left-hand side.
Step 4: Now click on where it says Find a Tribe. It’s right next to Your Tribes & Insights.
Step 5: Once you are on the Find A Tribe page you should search either for your main keyword that’s relevant to your board or you should search for a specific tribe you want to join.
Step 6: If you’re not feeling this particular tribe hit the “Back To Search” link and keep searching.
Ready To Use Your Free Trial For Tailwind?
If you’re ready to start your free trial of Tailwind and explore all of its features then you can click this link: Try Tailwind For Free.
What you get with the free trial:
1.100 free scheduled pins. There is no time limit to how long you can use the free pins. It can be 7 days or 7 months. It’s up to you.
This gives you plenty of time to explore and discover how to use Tailwind and it’s features.
2. You also get access to several Pinterest analytics reports. The Pinterest analytics reports in Tailwind are actually better than the analytics available in Pinterest itself.
They give you more details so you can create the best Pinterest marketing strategy for your blog.
3. You get to use Tailwind tribes and integrate them into your schedule strategy. Even though Tailwind Tribes is free, you can only schedule 100 pins for free.
So if you want to use Tailwind Tribes outside of the scheduler you’ll have to do it manually (I haven’t used Tailwind Tribes without using the paid version so I’m not sure how it works).
If this is something you’re interested in then don’t hesitate to try Tailwind credit card required.
If not no worries. It’s not for everyone. It’s just nice to know all of your options. All right everyone, that’s it from me.
And if you’re interested in learning more about blogging for business and impact then please download my free Christian business blogging roadmap. Just enter your email below.
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