5 Graphic Design Tools That Create Beautiful Email Opt-in Freebies For Your Blog

Graphic design tools for bloggers
Hello and welcome back to my Write 31 Days challenge where I’m breaking down email list building…Yesterday’s post was a pop quiz over all the stuff we’ve gone over to help you grow your email list.
If you haven’t taken the quizzes yet, then go ahead check them out here and here.
Today In order to help you create your own opt-in freebie, I’m sharing 5 free graphic design tools.
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5 Free Graphic Design Tools To Help You Create Your Blog’s Email Optin Freebie
1. Canva
Canva is a tool that probably every blogger on Pinterest has heard of and with good reason.
You can start creating your Pinterest masterpieces in a matter of minutes because the user interface is so easy to use.
And you can truly create a masterpiece because they have such beautiful fonts and graphic elements for you to choose from.
They also have free pictures although I don’t usually use them as much. Canva does have drawbacks in that you can’t resize an image (without having the paid version).
Sometimes I want to take an image I created for Pinterest and just resize it for Instagram but I don’t have that option. It would be such a time saver!
2. Adobe Spark
If for some reason you’ve used Canva and you don’t like it, there are other alternatives available to you. Adobe Spark is one such alternative.
To be frank, I couldn’t really find any major differences in features or any advantages that Adobe Spark has over Canva.
It would really be a matter of if you like one user interface over the other.
3. Stencil
Stencil is another free(ish) graphics tool that you can use.
Notice I said freeish.
With Stencil, you can only create up to 10 images a month. I know for me personally I create about that many in 2 weeks so this would not be feasible for me.
But if you don’t create that many images then this is a good option. Some of the things that makes them stand apart from other graphics programs is their huge collection of stock photos.
They have over 2 million images and they add thousands more per week. If your a blogger who uses Pinterest then this is a good thing.
The photos that we chose matter. We don’t want to use the same stock photo that everyone else is using.
From what I read Pinterest ranks your pin lower when your pin uses a photo that has been used a million other times on Pinterest.
There might be more image variety on Stencil as opposed to the common free image sites like Pixabay etc.
Another drawback on the free plan is that you can only save 10 graphics at a time. Again not an option for me but maybe it would work for you.
4. Snappa
Ok, Snappa is really cool.
It does what Canva does but it has some additional features that really make it stand out.
After you create your graphic, without leaving the Snappa website, you can schedule your posts to different social media outlets.
And that’s not all. You can also resize your images! I’m super stoked about this guys because I hate that I can’t resize my graphics in canva (without paying).
But on Snappa it’s is free (I think). But wait…it gets better. You can even link Snappa to your Buffer account so you can schedule to your social media account that way too.
Snappa is definitely a tool I’m going to play around with and see how it works.
5. Designbold
The more I research these other graphic designers the more I realize why you might want to use them over Canva.
No shade at Canva, but you know how in Canva there’s not a lot of photo editing power going on there?
Well on Designbold’s free plan they have a photo editor with filter presets, brightness, saturation and “much much more”.
Plus you get to resize your template! The lack of a true photo editor and not being able to resize my graphic are my two biggest gripes with Canva so I’m super excited to find these features available in another program.
Which program do you use to create your graphics for your blog?
While I love Canva, it’s been cool to discover that they aren’t the only game in town.
There’s also some other programs I didn’t mention like Fotor and Pablo that you can also take a look at.
If you need tutorials on how to create your freebie then go to this post and if you need some inspiration on what to create click here.
If you’re interested in learning more about blogging for business and impact then please download my free Christian business blogging roadmap. Just enter your email below.
See you all tomorrow and God bless!