The Impressive Results Of My First Pinterest Idea Pin & How To Create One In 7 Easy Steps!

The Results Of My First Idea On Pinterest & How To Create Idea Pins In 7 Easy Steps
My Pinterest account was dying.
I had given up on it because I had been hit with a Pinterest algorithm update and I lost most of my blog traffic. So I gave up on it and let my account almost go dormant.
But after a year or so I decided to try and resuscitate my on-life-support Pinterest account. I used idea pins to try and breathe some new life into my Pinterest strategy and today I’ll tell you about my results and also how to create idea pins.
Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions.
– What Are Idea Pins?
Idea pins are quite a bit different from the standard Pinterest pin. Idea pins are a combination of picture and video slides that tell a story. In fact, they used to be called story pins.
I love the idea of idea pins (corny I know) but there’s a big bummer with them.
You can’t click on idea pins and leave the platform. If you’re not familiar with Pinterest pins, you create pictures and link your products or blog posts to them. And then when your pins show up in Pinterest search, people can click on them and visit your blog.
But with ideas, you can click and go to the next slide but they don’t go to your blog post or online store.
So how do they help your business? We’ll touch on that next!
–How Do Idea Pins Help Your Business
So if Pinterest users can’t click on your idea pins what’s the point in creating them? I wondered the same thing. But there are some benefits to creating idea pins.
1) Increased Impressions
Because idea pins are a relatively new feature, Pinterest really pushes them out to Pinterest users. You’ll often find many of the first pins you see on Pinterest are idea pins. One of the biggest complaints that bloggers have right now is that their new pins are not being shown on Pinterest. So if you want your pins to show up on Pinterest start creating idea pins.
2) More Profile Exposure
Another major reason to create idea pins is to get your profile seen by more Pinterest users. Because Pinterest pushes idea pins out to its users more often, they naturally get seen more often. And because you can’t click on idea pins, users opt for the next best option which is to visit the profile of that pin’s creator.
3) More followers
When you get more profile visits, you get more people to follow your Pinterest account. Now many people argue that followers on Pinterest don’t matter.
I disagree with that for a few reasons. Whether it’s true or not, the number of followers you have on Pinterest signals to people and brands that you are an expert in your niche and that you are successful. This can lead to brand deals and sponsorships.
I know that when I visit a profile that only has 200 followers I think either this creator is new, they aren’t serious about their Pinterest strategy, or their content isn’t good. All of these thoughts might be false but I doubt I’m the only one who thinks that. So if idea pins lead to more followers that’s definitely a good thing!
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– How To Create Idea Pins
Now we get to the creative part! How do you create idea pins? Luckily, it’s very simple!
1) Create the content you want on your Idea Pin.
Create the pictures or videos you want to use on your idea Pin. I suggest creating your graphics and videos in Canva as it’s easy and free to use. Plus, Canva has so many cool features so you can really make your idea pins stand out.
You can see the idea pin that I created about my digital blog planner below so you know what one looks like.
The first 2 frames of the idea pin are just standard pin graphics. Then I added some stock videos. Next, I added videos of my blog content planner to show the users how it looks.
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Pinterest Strategy: How To Pin On Pinterest In 2021 The Safe Way!
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2) Download the graphics and videos and open the Pinterest App
After you’ve created your graphics and videos download them either on your computer or your phone. I created my idea pin on my computer but either way works.
3) Create an Idea Pin
If you’re on the mobile app, tap the plus button at the bottom of the Pinterest app screen. If you’re on a desktop, navigate to the top of the screen and click where it says create and choose create idea pin.
4) Upload the videos or pictures that you want to include in your idea pin.
As you choose the pictures and videos you want, you’ll see at the bottom of the screen how many pages have been created. You can rearrange the order of your graphics and videos to create the perfect little idea pin for your brand.
Remember, you want to try and tell a story of some sort with your idea pin and draw the reader into it so be innovative!
5) Start Adding Creative Elements
Once you’ve uploaded your graphics, you can get creative and start adding different things to your idea pin like: music, text, audio voice, drawings, and filters.
Go crazy! It’s really a lot of fun and so easy! Be mindful that mobile has the most fun elements. You can be creative with idea pins on a desktop but Pinterest doesn’t offer as many elements there.
6) Then add details to your pin
On the next screen, you add things like the title, tags, the board you want the pin to go on, etc. It’s important to keep SEO (search engine optimization) in mind when naming your pins, using tags, etc because you want to show up in as many Pinterest searches as possible and as close to the top of the page as possible.
Use keyword-rich descriptions, titles, and tags to let Pinterest know what your idea pin is about.
7) Hit Publish
Boom your done! You just created your first idea pin! Yay!
Want to read this post later? Save it to one of your Pinterest boards!
–My Pinterest Idea Pin Results (Before & After)
Now let’s go back to the question of whether or not idea pins are worth creating. As I said before, my Pinterest account was dying and I didn’t have many impressions at all.
But after I published just one idea pin, my impressions started to increase immediately.
I saw an over 27% increase in the number of impressions I receive on my account. I can only imagine how much it would increase if I continued to make idea pins daily! My engaged audience has increased by over 30%.
For full disclosure, I had also started pinning standard pins again. But I had already been doing that before I published my idea pin and my stats still increased.
So overall, I believe creating idea pins is good for exposure and getting my love from Pinterest. Does it translate to blog traffic?
Having only done one idea pin, it’s hard to say but at this time I would say no, not yet. But you never know…it might!
If How to Create Idea Pins has helped you, please share it on Pinterest or Facebook! Thanks, love!
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