5 Eye Opening Reasons You’ll Wish You Had Started Email Marketing Sooner!

5 Eye Opening Reasons You'll Wish You Had Started Email Marketing Sooner! teal and white letters woman with laptop

Email Marketing Benefits For Blogging Beginners

Email marketing benefits cannot be overstated. If you want to grow a blog or a business you need an email list. This is especially true for Christian bloggers and entrepreneurs and I’ll tell you why.

Once upon a time there was a girl who heard over and over that you should build an email list. But that girl didn’t listen. She put all of her blogging eggs in one Google basket.

And everything was going well until Google dropped her basket and cracked all of her eggs.

If you want to know all the details then you can read this post: My biggest blogging mistake ever.

For now, I want to press upon you why building an email list is vitally important, especially for Christian bloggers and entrepreneurs.

Now let’s discuss why building an email list is so important for your business.

This post may contain affiliate links which means I get a commission if you purchase something after clicking on one of those links. But don’t worry. I’m not going to recommend something I don’t really believe it because that would just be wrong. 

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Email Marketing Benefits For Beginning Bloggers

1. An Email List Is An Engaged Audience.

Getting people to come to your blog is hard. Getting people to read your blog posts all the way through is harder.

Getting people to come back to your blog is the hardest. That’s the beauty of an email list.

If someone likes and trusts you enough to give you their email address then they are considered engaged.

You are now building a relationship with that person.

And aren’t you more likely to come back to read a blog post from someone you see in your inbox (okay so you don’t actually see them in your inbox but you know what I mean)?

And what’s more, aren’t you more likely to buy products from people who you “see” in your inbox all the time?

That’s one of the beauties of the email list.


2. Email Marketing Is Cost effective.

Have you ever considered how inexpensive it is to use email marketing? I use Convertkit as my email marketing service and it has been my favorite so far.

I’ve complained, though, more than once about the cost of Convertkit.

It’s $29 a month (Convertkit now has a free account) which seems a little steep, although it is worth it.

But when you compare it to other methods of marketing, especially for brick-and-mortar stores, email marketing is much less expensive and is quite reasonable comparatively.


3. You can add more value to your audience with email marketing.

When you have an email list, you can share special thoughts, ideas, or sales with them that you wouldn’t share on your blog.

It’s more of a private space than a website.

I have emailed and messaged subscribers personally.

I’ve also shared guides with them that I felt would be helpful that I haven’t shared with my general blogging audience.

There’s just a different relationship that you have with a subscriber vs a reader and it can be special.


4. Your email list is your most valuable asset and just about the only one that you own.

This point right here is the most important point.

The biggest benefit of building an email list is this: It’s the only thing you truly own besides your own products that you created. 

You don’t even own your website like you think you do… my friend Ashley lost her site.

She just went to her blog one day and the site was gone. Yes, she owned the domain still but all of the content was gone and the web host wouldn’t restore it.

But even more than that is this:

In this age of tech companies cracking down on Christian content, its more important than ever to build an email list.

You may or may not have heard that different social media platforms censor Christian content. Google and Facebook also suppress Christian content at times.

If there ever came a time when Pinterest or Google completely banned Christian content, if you had an email list, you would still have an audience.

But if you don’t, then all of your hard work would be gone, just like that.


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email marketing benefits for beginner bloggers


5. Email autoresponders perform tasks automatically freeing up your time for other tasks.

Building a relationship is important but it’s also time-consuming.

High-quality autoresponders can help free up your time by being set on “autopilot” to send specific broadcasts and other types of emails to your list.

And autoresponders make it to where you don’t have to be present and waiting for the moment someone signs up for your freebie.

The autoresponder does the work for you so that your new subscribers don’t have to wait for your freebie that you’ll send them.

Next Steps: Choose an Autoresponder That’s Right For Your Blog

It’s likely that you already have an email autoresponder service like Mailchimp or Aweber but if you don’t and you haven’t been building an email list then please start building one.

It is extremely important.

The email marketing/autoresponder service that I use is Convertkit.

Click here to try Convertkit free for 14 days to see if you like it.

I’ve personally used about 5 different email marketing services over the years (Aweber, Mad Mimi, Mailchimp, Mailerlite and Convertkit) and Convertkit is my favorite by far.

It’s so easy to use and very beginner-friendly. Highly recommended if you’re in the market for one.


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More email marketing posts from Christian Blogging Academy

5 Reasons Why Email Marketing Benefits & Grows Your Blog’s Influence

How To Start & Grow Your Email List Using An Email Marketing Tool (4 Mini-Reviews)

17 Steps To Building Your Blog’s Email List + The Truth On How My Email List Grew By 175%

If Email Marketing Benefits For Blogging Beginners has helped you please share it on social media!

Nicky Johnson

Angela Johnson is the owner and creator of Christian Blogging Academy (CBA) & Healthy As You Can (HAYC). She is also a veteran blogger and author with degrees in Business & IT. She started this blog to support other Christians who are bloggers, writers, and entrepreneurs (or those who aspire to be)!

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