5 Amazing Ways To Put God First In Your Business & Glorify Him!

How To Put God First In Your Business
There are so many tips, tricks, and techniques in the blogging world that sometimes what God wants from us can get lost in the shuffle. This post will point out 5 ways that we can put God first in our businesses whether it be blogging, podcasting, writing, a Youtube channel, or social media influencer.
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There are so many articles. So many tips. So many tricks and so little time. So much advice on what we should and should not do as bloggers, influencers, and entrepreneurs.
It can get a little overwhelming and a little tiring.
Now, do I have a problem with reading these articles or even writing them for this blog?
No, I love reading, researching, and writing them.
Nor do I think there is anything wrong with monetizing your blog.
However, as Christian Bloggers, we have to be careful that God doesn’t become an afterthought as we get bogged down with all of these tips, tricks, and techniques.
God needs to be at the center of our tips and tricks not an appendage to them.
So in this post, I’m going to share with you some practical ways that we can keep God in the center of the work that we are doing with our blogs and businesses.
This post may contain affiliate links which means I get a commission if you purchase something after clicking on one of those links. But don’t worry. I’m not going to recommend something I don’t really believe it because that would just be wrong.
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– How Can We Glorify God With Our Blogging Business?
So let’s identify the main problem.
The problem is that it can be easy to get caught up in all the different techniques and strategies that we are bombarded with when we go on Pinterest or wherever.
Then we lose sight of what’s really important which is putting God first in our business.
Because as much as I love building a business, writing, or creating products none of it matters if it doesn’t make an impact on others for Christ.
So what are some things we can do on a practical level to keep God first in our businesses?
– How do we stay focused on God as Christian bloggers and business owners?
1) Have business meetings with God
One of the most important things you can do is have business meetings with God. I’ve heard of several Christian entrepreneurs who have done this.
Ask Him to lead and guide you in the direction that He wants you to go. Ask Him to show you how to attract customers so you can serve them and glorify Him in the process.
Seek out His wisdom in the Bible and let it act as a sort of business plan.
Ask Him about major (and minor if you want) blogging or business decisions so that you know how to best proceed. If He has called you to be a blogger then we need His constant guidance so we don’t make so many wrong turns.
2) Ask what would Jesus do
Before you make a decision about your blog or business, ask the oldie but goodie question what would Jesus do? Ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
I have gotten so confused on what I should or shouldn’t do when it comes to my businesses. Running a business with all of the ups and downs can get overwhelming.
There is no way I would still be here writing to you if I didn’t have Jesus as my savior and the Holy Spirit as my guide. And it’s not just about asking the Lord about what products I should sell. It’s also about knowing how to respond to readers or customers.
Sometimes your customers might get upset with you. Sometimes your readers won’t like what you write and they make it known. How do you respond to them?
With grace or do you “clapback”? It’s easy to let an angry retort fly when someone criticizes us but is that the way we should react.
I think we all know the answer to that but it’s certainly easier said than done. That’s why, before we respond to someone (in business or any part of life), we should ask what would Jesus do.
Related: Business-related scriptures for Christian bloggers
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3) Be in prayer throughout the day in regard to daily blogging decisions.
This is similar to point number 1 but a little different. This is not necessarily about asking for guidance or help. This is more about just talking to Him about how your work is going in general and praising Him for giving you the opportunity to be a part of it.
I like to keep a business prayer journal in the prayer and Bible study journal I created that you can take a look at here if you want.
In my own personal prayer journal, I write out any problems that I’m having with my business that I don’t have any solutions to and need a word from the Lord.
I write down any business wins or failures and frustrations. I love looking back at past entries to see what has changed or improved or what prayers have been answered. And I also enjoy reading over journal entries where I was sad or discouraged about my business.
Because, as dejected as I felt at that moment, I can find strength in the fact that I didn’t quit and I kept going despite the challenges I faced. That’s a testament to relying on God for whatever I’m going through.
It’s about expressing your gratitude to Him for choosing you to do this work and being glad to do it even when it gets hard.
4) Ask yourself if you would say this to someone face-to-face
This is a question I ask myself quite a bit, especially in this day and age when the country is so politically charged on social media. This goes for our personal and business social media accounts.
I have encountered times when I was in a Christian business Facebook group and the discussion turned a little political and I wanted to respond in a way that I probably would not if I was face to face with that person.
It’s a lot easier to be bold online when you’re talking to a person that you can’t see and will probably never meet.
But that doesn’t excuse us from talking to people in a way that positively reflects who we follow.
The goal is to never look back on something that we said online and cringe or feel guilty. Of course that can happen and probably will happen. No one’s perfect but we should strive to be good ambassadors for Christ on and offline.
5) Ask God If You Will Regret This Decision Tomorrow
Asking yourself if you will regret a certain decision is great because it causes you to take a step back and look at the situation from another angle. It causes you to say “Okay Lord, is this really what I need to do or should I make a different decision?”
For instance, let’s say you see this supposedly amazing course that is guaranteed to take your blog to the next level and for a short time the course is on sale for $699 (I’m not exaggerating…I’ve paid even more than that for a course).
The course will be life-changing and every influencer says that you need it but you have to get it today because tomorrow the price is going up and there’s no refund.
This would be a great time for you to ask God ” Will I regret buying this course tomorrow?” Or even “Will I regret this purchase next year”.
This is when you go to God and ask Him if you will still be happy with your purchase a year later or if you shouldn’t get caught up in the hype.
He will, of course, know the answer.
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– How Do You Keep God First In Your Business?
Let me know in the comments below how you keep God first in your business so you can help your fellow Christian bloggers and entrepreneurs.
I’ll see you guys in the next post and God bless.
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