Category Archives for "How To Market Your Blog"

11 Scriptures For Business Breakthrough Every Christian Entrepreneur Must Know!

11 Scriptures for Business Breakthrough Every Christian Entrepreneur Needs To Know Are there scriptures that can guarantee business breakthroughs? At one point or another as business owners and bloggers, this question must have lingered in your minds.  Well, here we can answer that together. Business breakthrough is something we can only get from God. And […]

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5 Eye Opening Reasons You’ll Wish You Had Started Email Marketing Sooner!

5 Eye Opening Reasons You'll Wish You Had Started Email Marketing Sooner! teal and white letters woman with laptop

Email Marketing Benefits For Blogging Beginners Email marketing benefits cannot be overstated. If you want to grow a blog or a business you need an email list. This is especially true for Christian bloggers and entrepreneurs and I’ll tell you why. Once upon a time there was a girl who heard over and over that […]

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How To Easily Create A Free Convertkit Account When You’re New To Email Marketing

cell phone on white desk

Setting up Convertkit’s Free Account When I first started blogging I was clueless about email marketing. I kept hearing how important it was and I’d just say “Oh that’s nice” and move on. I just didn’t get it. Well, I want to congratulate you for “getting it” far more than I did. Because if you’re […]

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Pinterest Marketing For Bloggers: 3 Costly Mistakes You Must Stop Making!

girl sitting at a desk with laptop

Pinterest Marketing Mistakes To Avoid I’ve seen this happen over and over again on Pinterest. And I’d ask myself why do people post pins like that on Pinterest? But it turns out…I’ve been making some of the same Pinterest marketing mistakes that I’ve judged my fellow pinners on. And for that, I must apologize. I’m […]

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The 29 Best Tailwind Tribes To Join For Christian Bloggers To Skyrocket Their Blog Traffic

This is a picture of a peach journal and peach flowers on a white desk. This post is about Tailwind Tribes To Join

Tailwind Tribes are one of the most exciting features that Tailwind offers. What’s even more exciting is that there are some amazing Tailwind Tribes to join for Christian bloggers to grow their traffic. I’m in quite a few myself and I know that they have really helped me connect with my audience in a broader […]

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How (& Why) To Join Tailwind Tribes In 6 Clear Easy To Follow Steps (Tutorial With Pictures)

This is picture of a computer with a woman's hands typing on it. There is a white backdrop and this post is about How To Join Tailwind Tribes

Have you heard about Tailwind Tribes and how much they can increase traffic to your blog? If you have and you’re ready to know more, then read my step by step tutorial on how to join Tailwind Tribes! Personally, I joined the Tailwind Tribes game a little late. But that was a blogging mistake because […]

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Convertkit vs Mailchimp For Bloggers: How To Choose The Best Email Marketing Service (In-depth Guide)

Convertkit vs Mailchimp For Bloggers Your email list is the most important asset you own as a blogger. So that’s why it’s important to pick an email marketing service that makes your life easier as a blogger, not harder. This post is a showdown of Converkit vs Mailchimp vs some other email marketing services to […]

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