How Many Blog Posts You Should Write Before Launching Your Blog!

How many blog posts should I have before launching
This is the article that I wish I had read before I launched my blogs. Why? Because it is filled with information about blog content that would have saved me so many headaches!
But you’re much smarter than me so you decided to do some research on how many blog posts you should write before launching your blog (you little genius you!).
I commend you on your choice because this is a really important topic and it’s not one that new bloggers always consider.
So I’m happy you’re here so you can learn from the mistakes I made and not repeat them!
We will talk about:
-how many blog posts you should write before you launch your blog
-how much new content to post per week
– & much more…
So let’s get started with what you really came here for!
Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions.
–How Many Blog Posts Should You Have Before Launching
I won’t make you wait for it. This is how many blog posts you should have before launching…it depends.
Okay, don’t hurt me. I know that’s not the answer you were looking for! I hate clear-as-mud answers too but it really does depend on several things which I will go over right now.
If you’re an experienced blogger (you probably wouldn’t be here if you were but anywho) then I would go for 30 blog posts.
That is a big enough content splash to say to Google “hey, I’m here”.
Let’s say that you are a newer blogger but you’ve taken some blogging courses (which I highly recommend you do!) and you have a fairly good idea of what you are doing (meaning you understand SEO (search engine optimization), what blogging niche, your audience, etc), then 20 to 30 blog posts would work well for you too.
Why do I say 30 blog posts, though?
There isn’t a magical number to this. The blessing and the curse of blogging are that there aren’t always right and wrong answers. Knowing how many blog posts you should write before your launch is one of those times when there isn’t a right answer.
– Why Is This A Good Number Of Posts To Publish Before I Launch My Site?
But let me try and illustrate for you why I say 30 articles is a good amount to start with.
Let’s say that you want to start a blog about Bible study. So let’s make up some fictional blog post ideas that you plan to write and you let me know if you understand where I’m going with this:
Bible study for beginners
How to study Genesis as a new Christian
How to create a Bible study journal
What to write in a Bible study journal
How to write Bible study notes
How to study the Gospels
Bible study printables
Exodus study guide lessons
Understanding and studying Revelation
This is not 30 ideas but you get the idea of the kinds of posts I mean.
If you write 30 blog posts all around a similar topic (and you write them WELL which is another topic altogether) you start to build authority in that niche in Google’s eyes. And you WANT to build authority in Google’s eyes because then you begin to rank on the first page for these topics.
Why? Because Google believes you know what you’re talking about when you write about similar topics.
Related: How To Create Content Super Fast!
Related: How To Create A Content Calendar
Related: How To Blog When You Hate Writing
Now, there are a million other factors that go into ranking on Google!
I don’t want you to think that you can just write 30 blog posts on a subject and Google will reward you.
Unfortunately, that isn’t how this SEO blogging thing works (I know…sad face). BUT writing high-quality content around similar subjects will at least get you on the right track and make your blog all coherent and stuff…which is something I didn’t know.
But more on my blogging mistakes later.
There is a steep learning curve with blogging. You don’t know what you don’t know and while you could go ahead and write 30 blog posts right out of the gate, chances are they will be the wrong posts.
– Must-Know Blog Content Info For New Bloggers
Let me talk to my brand-spanking new bloggers…if you read my last few paragraphs and you’re totally lost, then I would just write 5 to 10 articles to start. And while I was writing them, I would research/Google the following:
Zero-competition keywords
Low competition keywords
What is SEO
What is high-quality blog content?
Blogging courses for beginners
There is a steep learning curve with blogging. You don’t know what you don’t know and while you could go ahead and write 30 blog posts right out of the gate, chances are they will be the wrong posts. Wrong in the sense that they may never get read, rank on Google, help your target audience, sell your products, etc.
My first blog post I truly believe was one of my best. Best in the sense that it was well written, relatable, whatever, but it didn’t have a focus keyword and if it did have one, it would have been too competitive of a keyword to rank on page one of Google.
That was one of my many blogging mistakes. Then the next few blog posts weren’t good either. They were about topics that almost no one is searching for. If I had spent more time learning about how to help my audience, writing good quality SEOed posts, and low competition keywords I would have fared a lot better. But instead, I was just writing content with no rhyme or reason.
Don’t do that! Please!
If you are a blogging beginner (no shame in that because we were all new at some point), just write 10 articles or less at the most and try to make them around similar topics. And learn like crazy while you’re writing them.
If I had spent more time learning about how to help my audience, writing good quality SEOed posts, and low competition keywords I would have fared a lot better.
–How many blog posts should you post a week?
This is a great follow-up question! And again the answer is, that it depends. I know…here we go again! But it really does.
Ideally, if you are a blogger who learns fast, you know what your business goals and you understand how to get blog traffic then honestly, posting daily is a great way to go IF you can create high-quality content…and you understand SEO and keyword research…and you know what the purpose of your blog is.
But if you’re floundering around like I was when I first started, devote time to learning while you’re writing.
And just write 1 blog post a week or 4-5 blog posts per month until you feel like you understand what you are doing. Because those first few blog posts just won’t be that good for most new bloggers.
There’s no point in publishing content at lightning speed when you aren’t quite sure what you’re doing.
What I don’t want is for you to get so bogged down in research and learning that you don’t get started. Your first few posts may not be great and that’s fine! You will learn and grow leaps and bounds through this blogging journey!
Then you can pump up the volume and start writing like crazy. Why? Because the faster you publish content, the faster Google can find your content and start ranking it. That means traffic to your website will come sooner rather than later! Exciting right?
What I don’t want is for you to get so bogged down in research and learning that you don’t get started. Your first few posts may not be great and that’s fine! You will learn and grow leaps and bounds through this blogging journey!
Want to read this post later? Click here to save it to one of your money Pinterest boards!
– Why You Should Organize Your Blog Posts From The Beginning
Something I highly encourage you to do is to organize your blog post ideas right from the beginning. You might be asking well how do I do that?
No problem… I will show you how I do it and share with you the tool I use to do it. It’s so easy as a new blogger (and experienced blogger) to have your blog content ideas and posts scattered all over the place…at least that’s how it was for me.
I had post ideas on sticky notes, random pieces of paper, in Evernote, in text messages. It was a mess. And then finding my blog posts after I wrote them wasn’t fun either. I didn’t have a system.
I finally got fed up and created a blog content planner in the free app Trello that helps me organize ALL of my content and post ideas. And I don’t just mean blog posts. I mean social media content, email marketing newsletters, SEO research, blog post outlines, monetization ideas, blog post checklists and so much more!
For once I could actually find my blog-related information and documents. I had all of my ideas in one central location. And I could organize all of those ideas in so many ways. It was such a game changer for me and I think it would be for you too.
Having your blog and business organized will save you so much time and time is your most valuable asset as a blogger!
You can learn more about this time-saving headache-reducing blog content planner by clicking here.
If “how many blog posts should i have before launching” has helped you, please share it on Pinterest or Facebook! Thanks, love!
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