November 11, 2022

9 Unique December Blog Post Ideas For All Niches To Help You Grow Your Blog & Make More Sales!

white background gold reindeer with holly december blog post ideas

 15 Unique December blog post ideas to help grow your blogging business and make more sales no matter what your niche!

Feeling lost for blog post ideas to share this December? I can help. You probably know that content is king but sometimes you just don’t know what to write.

And being that December is an especially important time of the year for most businesses (Q4 for the win), it’s vital to have a good content strategy during this time period.

I’m not gonna lie… I’ve experienced writer’s block many times before myself so I know exactly how you feel.

But don’t worry because, in this post, I’ll share some inspiring December and Christmas blog topics from seasonal and upcoming holidays to resolutions. They’ll help you keep your readers busy during the winter break and grow your blogging business.

Let’s get right into it.

Want to read this post later? Save it to one of your Pinterest boards!

snowflakes in background december blog ideas

– Why Is December An Important Month For Your Blogging Business?

There are a few reasons to consider and I’ll share them below…

1) To glorify God

Christian business owners, December is a prime time of the year because of how we can point to Christ in our posts.

While many bloggers only focus on making the most money from their blogs (in October, November, and December), as Christian business owners, we have an opportunity to use our Christian blogs and businesses to glorify God and advance His kingdom.


2) To promote holiday content

December is also when traffic to your blog will likely increase as people search for holiday-related information and gift ideas. It’s a great month to focus on creating new content and promoting your blog through social media and other channels.

But in addition to creating new seasonal content, you can also promote your older December content so that you can get usage out of those posts every year. 


3) A good time to generate extra income

December is an important month because you can expand your reach and increase your sales numbers. This is because quarter 4 (Q4) is the biggest shopping season of the year and many people are in a buying mood. Many bloggers and businesses gain their biggest revenue during this time of the year. 


4) Review your goals

Finally, December is a good time to review your blogging goals for the coming year and make any necessary adjustments to your strategy. By taking advantage of the increased traffic and reflective mood of the month, you can set yourself up for a more successful year of blogging.


 – Things To Keep In Mind When Writing Your December Blog Posts

 There are certain things that you’ll want to keep in mind when you’re writing your winter blog posts. The most important thing to remember when creating content for any season is your overall business or ministry goals. In other words, you don’t want to create content that doesn’t help you in the long run.

This is called creating content for content’s sake.

I remember when I first started blogging on my blog Healthy As You Can. I was writing about anything and everything because I didn’t know what I was doing and why I was doing it. That lead to me writing blog posts that had no true purpose.

So if you’re overall business goal is to get more traffic, make sure you are doing proper keyword research to ensure that you’re writing posts that YOUR target market wants to read.

If you want to make more sales then be sure that your December articles will help you do that. 

– How To Organize Your Blog Post Ideas 

It’s vital that you not only have a list of blog post ideas at the ready but that you also have a system for organizing them! I used to struggle with keeping my content ideas altogether. I would write ideas down on sticky notes, in notebooks that I couldn’t find later, in different apps…it was a hot mess. Because of this, it took way too long for me to write blog posts.

I’m talking about a blog post could take a week to write! I couldn’t ever find my ideas or strategies!

I finally got fed up and I was determined to come up with a way to organize my blog content!

After some trial and error, I came up with a blog content planner that I created in the free app Trello and it’s been transformational for me in my business.

I can find all of my ideas, store keyword research about each idea, write down social media, email marketing, and Pinterest ideas for each content idea and so much more. I’d truly be lost without it. You can learn more about this blog content planner in this post!

And keep reading to see how you can use the planner for free!


christmas tree in back december blog post ideas

– 9 December Blog Post Ideas You Can Use For Any Niche!

These December blog post ideas can be used for any (well many) niche(s) and I’ll show you how! I want to share how you can make these product ideas work to help you make more sales! I’ll use my other blog (as well as other blog niches), Healthy As You Can, as an example.

On my lifestyle blog, I talk about 4 different topics: getting physically healthy, spiritually healthy, financially healthy, and mentally healthy. Because I talk about so many different, it’s a perfect example of how these December blog post ideas could work for many niches. But of course, I’ll also share ideas from other types of niches.

What you’ll want to do is take these general holiday ideas and then think about how your niche is relevant to these ideas. Once you start brainstorming, I believe you’ll be able to come up with plenty of spin-off ideas for your specific niche. I’ll be providing examples to inspire you

My overall goal with these ideas is to show you how you can include holiday-related content into your business strategy and increase your revenue no matter what type of niche you’re in!

1. Share a holiday recipe on your blog

Whether it’s a family favorite or something new you’re trying this year, sharing a holiday recipe is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit! I’ll bet you’re wondering how you can make this idea work for any niche. Here’s an example. I have a printable meal planner in my blog’s shop.

So I could write a blog post about healthy holiday meal ideas and use the healthy recipe builder page in my meal planner to showcase the recipe. Let’s use a less obvious example.

What if you had a blog about mental health? You could share a recipe in a post about things you do to stay sane during the crazy holiday season. See what I mean? You just have to think outside of the box! 


2. Write posts about your favorite Christmas traditions

What are some things you and your family always do to celebrate the holiday season? Share them on your blog so others can get some ideas for their own traditions. And of course, if you were so inclined, you could introduce your readers to one of your relevant products in your blog post.

Let’s say you have a finance blog. You could write a blog post about one of your traditions being to only buy Christmas presents at a certain price. And then if you had a relevant product like a budget planner, you could say that you use that financial planner to help you create a Christmas budget and stick to it. 


3. Offer a holiday gift guide for your blog’s niche

Whether it’s for kids, adults, or pets, put together a list of great Christmas gift ideas for your readers. For instance, I’ve written a blog post about awesome gift ideas for bloggers that you can check out right here! This blog post idea will truly work for ANY niche. They’ll appreciate the help when it comes to shopping for loved ones.


4. Share tips on traveling during the holidays

If you’re planning on traveling during the holiday, share your tips and tricks on your blog. From packing to surviving long car rides, I truly think you could use these blog post ideas for any niche.

If you have a finance blog you could share ways to save money on travel during the holiday and share a product that will help your readers do that.

Let’s use a more off-the-wall blog niche example. Let’s say you have a plant blog. Tell your readers ways to keep their plants alive while you are traveling for the holidays. If you have a tech blog, tell them the best tech gadgets to pack with them on their trips! 


5. Show how you can use your products for entertainment and parties 

 If you’re hosting any holiday parties this year, share your best tips on your blog. From decor to food to games, help your readers make their party a success. Let’s go back to the plant blog example. Show your readers how to incorporate plants into their holiday party decorations.

For finance blogs, show them how to throw fabulous parties on a small budget and incorporate your finance-based products in the post. If you have a book blog, share with them your book on entertaining or good books you’ve read about entertainment and leave an affiliate link. 


6. Post articles about Christmas-related activities for your niche 

 From baking cookies to making gingerbread houses, there are so many great things to do during the holidays. Share your favorite activities on your blog and think of ways your products could help enhance those activities.

Let’s say you have a photography blog. Then you could write a blog post about all the different projects a family could do or create with a camera. Perhaps your blog is about hospitality. Write posts about ways you can reach out to others who may be lonely during this holiday season. 


7. Write tips for preparing and setting goals for a new year for your blog’s niche

The holidays are a great time to reflect on the year that’s passed and start making plans for the year ahead. No matter what your niche is, you can always help your readers set goals and resolutions for the new year. Your blog is solving a problem for your audience. 

Write a blog p0st about ways they can set goals to solve this problem in the new year. If you write about Bible study then write a blog post about how your readers can set a goal to read the entire Bible in 6 months. 


8. Write posts about how to save money on your niche’s products during the holiday 

 The holidays can be costly, but there are ways to save money. Share your tips on your blog so your readers can stick to their budgets this holiday season. This idea will work for any niche easily!


9. Write posts about your holiday plans and show how your products can be used

What are you and your family doing for the holidays this year?  Perhaps part of your plan is to talk to others about Jesus or help someone stand firm in the faith.

Blog about it and get other people interested.  Maybe you could share with your audience ways you plan to use some of your own products during the holiday season. Show them behind-the-scenes pictures of you using your products in your holiday plans.


– Which December Blog Post Ideas Will You Use?

The December holiday season is a major time of the year for families and businesses. Show your reader’s a different side of yourself as a blogger (show that you are a real person) and a different side of your products and how they could be useful in their lives! 

You don’t have to deal with writer’s block this season if you brainstorm using these December blog post ideas.

trello content planner

And to help you organize all of your content ideas, you can use my digital blog content planner for FREE.

Just enter your best email address below and I’ll send you all the details! 


Nicky Johnson

Angela Johnson is the owner and creator of Christian Blogging Academy (CBA) & Healthy As You Can (HAYC). She is also a veteran blogger and author with degrees in Business & IT. She started this blog to support other Christians who are bloggers, writers, and entrepreneurs (or those who aspire to be)!

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