40+ Blogging Tasks You Can Do On Your Phone To Stay Amazingly Productive Wherever You Are (+ Free Checklist)!

Over 40 Blogging Tasks You Can Do On The Phone While Your In The Grocery Checkout Line
So I’m sitting in a Kohl’s “lobby” waiting on my family while they are shopping and I thought how pertinent that was since I was writing a post about how you can work on your blog from your phone.
So if you had any doubt that you could work on your business in those brief moments of time when you don’t have anything but your phone, let me reassure you… you totally can.
I just sent a short newsletter to my subscribers using Convertkit so you can be productive anywhere.
And there are so many things you can do from your phone and I’m going to cover over 30 of them today.
That why, you can be producing and creating no matter where you are!
Because I totally understand that there are so many “hurry up and wait” type situations where you have downtime and you wish you could be working but there’s no laptop in sight.
This post will help eliminate that problem because these 40+ tasks will truly help you grow your blog and business!
Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your blogging journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about and from companies that I trust like Amazon and others. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Why Would You Do Blogging Tasks On Your Phone, Anyway?
You might be wondering why you would even want to do any blogging tasks on your phone.
Like it or not (and I don’t necessarily like it), wherever you look, people are looking down at their phone doing something.
I don’t know what they are doing.
I would prefer that we would interact with each other more…you know, as humans but it is what it is.
So if you’re going to be looking down at your phone when you’re in line at the store or DMV, you might as well be doing something productive rather than playing Angry Birds (do people still play that?).
Know what I mean?
So let’s go over some of the daily blogging tasks you can check off of your to-do list while you’re wishing for the cashier to scan groceries a little bit faster.
Some of these blogging to-do’s are self-explanatory so I won’t give a detailed description but some of them I will go more in depth on how to do it.

Picture of the blogging tasks checklist in Trello
Blogging Tasks List You Can Do On Your Phone
So I’m about to supply you with over 40+ amazingly productive blogging maintenance tasks you can do on your phone.
I’m not just making up stuff or like they say in school “busy work”.
These are tasks you can check off your to-do list and know that you are actually doing something great for your business.
So let’s get started!
Administrative Blogging Tasks
- Track your Google Analytics: Perhaps you didn’t know but there’s a Google Analytics app (at least for iPhone users) and you can use it to track your blog’s traffic stats. I try to track my stats once a month on my Trello SEO board.
- Check the mobile version of your blog: It’s important to check the mobile version of your site because most visitors will visit your site on their phones. Make note of anything that looks wonky on your homepage or blog page and put it on your to do list to make these changes when you use your laptop.
- Organize your folders or apps: I use Trello and Google Docs a lot but I don’t always organize my content and information like I should so when I’m waiting in a long line or on a long car ride (when I’m not driving of course because I would
neverrarely be on my phone when I’m driving) I will take the time to organize my apps to make my info easier to find.
Pinterest Tasks
- Create a new pin: You can use Canva on your phone to create new pins to help promote your blog posts
- Write descriptions for upcoming pins: Maybe you don’t like designing pins on your phone ( I can’t say that I do) but you can go ahead and write down pin descriptions in batches and then they will be all ready to go when you post your pin on Pinterest or schedule your pins using Tailwind. I use my Blog Content Planner (available in my Etsy shop) to write down headlines and pin descriptions (click here to check out my blog content planner).
- Write headlines for upcoming pins: And like I just mentioned, you might have some ideas swirling for awesome headlines to use on your pins. Go ahead and write those ideas down because if you’re anything like me the idea will vanish faster than the mac and cheese on Thanksgiving.
- Do keyword research on Pinterest: You can also do keyword research on Pinterest on your phone while you are taking that road trip this summer.
- Search-engine optimize your boards: It’s important for you to use keyword rich descriptions for your Pinterest boards. When you do this, the audience that you are trying to attract can find you easier. Why? Because they will be typing in the same keywords that you are using in your Pinterest board descriptions!
SEO Tasks
- Do keyword research for products: If you create or plan to create products to sell then you need to do some keyword research on them to make sure that there are people actively looking for that product. So you can use your phone to search Google, Google Trends, Pinterest Trends, & Etsy to see if anyone is looking for the product idea you have or if anyone is already selling it.
- Keyword research for blog post ideas: Likewise, you want to make sure the blog posts you write are posts that people want to read and are searching for. Click here for more info about keyword research.
- Reading SEO books: I read two of my favorite SEO books almost exclusively on my phone. They are Easy On Page SEO & Easy Backlinks. They help break down optimizing your blog posts for Google and getting backlinks. The way she teaches SEO just made it so simple and easy to understand, I couldn’t believe it.
Blog Writing Tasks
- Outline your blog posts: You can outline your blog posts while you are on your lunch break or wherever. I use the blog post strategy section of my blog content planner to outline my blog posts (you can look at the planner here!)
- Brainstorm ideas: write those ideas down wherever inspiration strikes
- Actually write your blog post: Just download the Google Docs app and your good to go
- Edit your blog post
- Do research for the content of your post: I write about health on one of my blogs so I have to do research to make sure the info I’m presenting in my posts are accurate.
- Take pictures: My sister’s iPhone takes pictures as good as my DSLR so if you have a great camera on your phone, take some pictures for your next post.
Product Creation/Monetization Tasks
- Do seo research on product ideas: I already mentioned this before but I know how ya’ll be skipping around and not reading the whole post…I see you 😉
- Create digital products: I have created two Trello based digital products (partially) on my phone: a blog content planner and a Bible planner .
- Jot down product ideas: I use Trello to write down all of my product ideas
- Organize your affiliate links: Once again, I use Trello (I’m so not sponsored by them but I’m open) to organize my affiliate links and keep them all on one list.
- Apply for affiliate networks: You can apply for affiliate networks on your phone if the application isn’t too troublesome. Here are some of my top recommendations
Social Media & Email Marketing Tasks
- Reply to comments and mentions on your social media accounts
- Optimize your account: Instead of mindlessly scrolling (I’m so talking to myself here…facepalm) use your time on social media to optimize your Facebook or Instagram page to help you promote your business.
- Add new pics to your account: Do you have any recent pics on your phone that you want to share with your followers? Take a few seconds and upload them to your page.
- Add new posts: Post a Bible verse or a quote that inspired you that day…or any thought that might help your audience and grow your reach.
- Answer questions in Facebook groups that help build your brand
- Use your business page to join Facebook groups where your customers are and get involved: Instead of just using your personal account when you sign up for Facebook groups, use your business name and that way when you get involved in the group, you are indirectly promoting your brand at the same time.
- Share viral posts
- Resend emails to unopens: Did your last email newsletter get a lot of un-opens? If you use Convertkit you can easily resend that same newsletter to those subscribers who didn’t open the last time and give them another chance to do that right thing lol.
- Write a new newsletter: My last few newsletters were written and sent on my phone using Convertkit.
- Go live on social media
- Record a video
- Edit photos: I use Lightroom…it’s free!
Spiritual Tasks
- Write in a prayer journal: I use Trello (duh) for this but you can use Evernote or whatever app you like.
- Do business based bible studies and devotionals: Search the YouVersion Bible app…they have quite a few.
- Pray: Ask God for direction and clarity in your business or ministry
Blog Learning Tasks
- Sign up for a course: I’ve done this tons of times
- Sign up for an Ultimate Bundle Genius Blogger’s Toolkit: this is like signing up for 50 blogging courses at once (this is a link to a post about an old Genius Blogger’s Toolkit) that’s no longer for sale. If you’re on my email list you will be sure to get notification about the one for this year. This just gives you an idea of what kinds of products to expect in future Bundles)
- Watch a course or Youtube video on your subject: I watch videos for Pinterest Traffic Avalanche and other courses on my phone all the time.
- Read an ebook: I already mentioned the SEO books that I love
- Listen to blogging or business podcasts (or ones specific to your business’ industry): I’ve even done this at work…shh, don’t tell on me…I’m still working
You Can Get My Blogging To Do Checklist For Free!
So I wasn’t going to do it but since I’m going to create one for myself, it would be stingy of me not to share it right?
All the pictures in this post are pictures of the blogging tasks to do checklist that I created in my favorite app Trello.
And guess what?
I’m going to share it with you because you’re so dope for reading this far!
If you want the blogging to do checklist, just enter your email address in the box below and I will send you the link to the template to your inbox for free.
I’ll also include a surprise discount code (ok so I spoiled the surprise) available in the blogging tasks checklist so you can get the ENTIRE blog content planner for less than $10 so be on the look out for at as well!
Important: And please note that you must have the Trello app in order to use this checklist (but don’t worry it’s totally free! And you can use it on your phone, tablet, and computer)
Sign-up below!
Okay ya’ll that’s all from me for today!
Let’s get productive, yo!
God bless!
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