141+ Creative Blog Post Ideas For *EVERY* Lifestyle Niche To Help Grow Your Blogging Business!

141+ Lifestyle Blog Post Topics To Help Grow Your Blogging Business
Are you struggling to come up with blog post ideas for your lifestyle blog? Writer’s block and idea creation are the banes of every blogger’s existence.
I mean where do you even start? When the well runs dry then of course you turn to our friend Google to help you spark some inspiration.
So if you are searching for some new blog post motivation keep reading!
Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions.
– What Is A Lifestyle Blog?
A lifestyle blog is a type of online journal that focuses on the interests and passions of its author. It’s like having an online journal where you can share your thoughts with the world.
A lifestyle blogger creates content inspired and curated from their interests and daily activities. Of course, this is just a general overview of a lifestyle blog.
There are then different categories of lifestyle blogs. And that’s how I will present these blog content ideas to you….by the kind of lifestyle blog you may have.
Oh and keep in mind that these content ideas can be used for your blog AND your social media as well!
(Or if you haven’t chosen a blog topic yet then you can read my post on how to choose a blog niche). And then be sure to stick around to the end because I have some additional ideas for you that might be surprising.
**Pro tip: Because there are so many blog post ideas here (I keep adding to them), you might need a way to organize your blog ideas and content.
If so, then I definitely recommend you use Trello! I created a blog content planner in Trello that you can learn more about by clicking here (use the discount code TWENTYFIVE to get 25% your purchase)**
– Lifestyle Blog Post Topic Categories We Will Cover
Below are just a few of the blog post categories that we will be going over today:
- Content Ideas For Beauty & Skincare Lifestyle Blogs
- Content Ideas For Christian Lifestyle Blogs
- Content Ideas For Fashion Lifestyle Blogs
- Content Ideas For Cleaning Lifestyle Blogs and so on.
– Types of Blog Posts
- List posts: A list makes it easier for readers to find the content they want, leading to more traffic. Ideas in a list blog post are numbered, making it easier for people to skim through to read the points quickly. Example: 10 unique ways to cook rice without a rice cooker.
- Interview Blog: This blog post is very effective when you have an expert on board who has something interesting to say about their field. This type of blog post helps build authority as well as credibility.
- How-to Blog post: People love to know how things work. If you have some experience in a particular area, you can share it with others by writing a how-to blog post.
- Case Studies: A case study is a story that tells the reader why you are right and what you should do next. Case studies are often published in magazines.
Related: 87 Spirit-Filled Christian Blog Niche Ideas To Start Your Amazing Blogging Journey
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– 141+ Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas To Grow Your Blogging Business
– Ideas For Beauty & Skincare Lifestyle Blogs
If you find yourself being magnetically pulled toward the makeup counter or the cosmetics department of any store you go to, you probably already are a beauty lifestyle blogger or on your way to being one.
It is a perfect choice for those who like to share their beauty tips and beauty product reviews. Here are some ideas for beauty and skin care lifestyle blogs:
- DIY beauty tips.
- Natural skincare routine.
- Healthy hair care routines.
- Homemade face mask recipes.
- Best moisturizer for dry skin.
- Best eye cream for dark circles.
- The best lipstick for oily lipstick brands and share her personal favorites.
- Best makeup remover for blackheads.
- Best nail polish for oily hands.
- Best shampoo for damaged hair.
– Ideas For Christian Lifestyle blogs
This type of lifestyle blog is dedicated to the Christian faith and culture. It provides articles on biblical teachings, church news, Christian music, culture, and inspirational stories. Here are some ideas:
- Bible Verses for Daily Living
- Inspirational Quotes from Famous Christian People
- Bible Verses for Healing
- Write about your faith journey.
- Share your testimony.
- Give tips on how to live out your faith.
- Share your spiritual growth.
- Share your favorite scripture or quote
- Share your faith-inspired hobbies.
– Ideas For A Fashion Lifestyle Blog
This blog will feature fashion. This could also include tips on how to look chic, polished, and put together.
Ideas For Fashion Lifestyle Blogs:
- Write about your personal style.
- Share your tips on how to dress well on a budget.
- Share your favorite fashion trends.
- Share your favorite fashion designers.
- Write about what you wear in different seasons
- Tips on how to make your clothes last longer.
- Tips on what to purge from your wardrobe..
- Share an outfit that you love.
- Share tips on how one can save money when buying clothes.
- Share tips on how women can look beautiful even if they don’t spend a lot of money.
– Ideas For A Cleaning Lifestyle Blog
This blog provides information on how to clean your home efficiently. Cleaning lifestyle blog ideas would be:
- Write about the best way to clean your home when you have kids.
- Share some cleaning tips from around the world
- Share some habits that help your house stay clean daily.
- Share some ways to organize each area of your home.
- Write about your laundry process.
- Share tips on how to get carpet stains out.
- Write about what kind of detergent works best.
- Share some ways to make your home smell great.
- Share some ways to get rid of stains in your clothes.
– Ideas For A DIY Lifestyle Blog
A DIY lifestyle blog is a personal website that provides information on how to do things yourself. The following are some of the ideas:
- Share DIY on how to make healthy snacks at home.
- DIY paper rose flower
- How to make home-cleaning detergent
- DIY face scrub product.
- Where to procure your DIY materials.
– Ideas For A Personal Growth Lifestyle Blog
Here are some blog post ideas that cover a wide range of topics related to personal growth, including mindset, habits, self-care, resilience, and goal-setting, offering valuable insights and actionable tips for readers seeking to enhance their lives.
- Explore the impact of gratitude on personal development.
- Give your readers techniques for managing stress and cultivating inner peace.
- Help your readers overcome common obstacles to self-discipline.
- Teach your audience strategies for building resilience in challenging times.
- Explain the role of vulnerability in personal growth and connection.
- Talk about how to cultivate a growth mindset: principles and practices.
- Help them navigate the art of self-discovery and give them the tools for uncovering their strengths and passions.
- Share the art of effective goal-setting for sustainable growth.
- Help them build confidence through self-compassion and self-love.
- Explore the benefits of journaling for health, personal reflection and growth.
- Embracing authenticity: letting go of societal expectations.
- Speak on the ideas of harnessing the power of visualization.
- Give your readers strategies for maintaining work-life balance and prioritizing self-care.
- Write about overcoming the fear of failure and reframing setbacks as opportunities.
- Create a post about exploring the connection between personal growth and meaningful relationships.
– Ideas For Food-Based Lifestyle Blogs
Food-based lifestyle blogs focus on food and cooking, often including recipes and tips for healthy eating.
Ideas For Food-Based Lifestyle Blogs: You can write on the following:
- Food recipes.
- Cooking classes
- Meal prepping ideas
- Healthy Living
- Meal planning ideas
- Restaurant Reviews
- Foods for weight loss
- Food Trends
– Ideas For Gardening Lifestyle Blogs
Gardening lifestyle blogs share information about gardening, landscaping, horticulture, etc.
Ideas for gardening lifestyle blogs: you can write on the following
- Lawn care by region.
- Gardening tips.
- House plant care.
- Tips on how to grow your vegetables indoors
- Talk about how you use your garden space.
- Advice on how to grow vegetables in containers.
- Write about gardening techniques for bigger harvests
- Share information on what to plant in different regions
- Write on how to control pests in your garden.
– Ideas For Hobby-Based Lifestyle Blogs
This blog is a type of web blog that focuses on topics related to hobbies and leisure activities, especially those done outside of work hours.
Ideas for Hobby-Based Lifestyle Blogs:
- Your hobbies.
- How do you spend your free time?
- The things that make you happy.
- The things that inspire you.
- Your passions.
- How do you feel when you’re doing something you love?
- Sports blogs about specific teams.
– Ideas For Mommy Lifestyle Blogs
Mommy lifestyle blogs provide useful tips and tricks for parents raising children. Many moms enjoy writing these blogs because they have something unique to say about motherhood.
The following are the ideas for mommy lifestyle blogs:
- Share your own experience as a parent
- Share practical parenting tips
- Share fun ways to entertain kids
- Share creative ideas for family outings
- Share simple crafts you can make at home with your children
- Share how to tell your children that you are pregnant
- Birthday and Christmas gift ideas for boys and girls
- Share your tips for new parents
- Share your favorite toys
- Share your favorite baby shower gifts.
– Ideas For Money/Personal Finance Blogs
These blogs offer financial advice, personal stories, and other money-related topics. This is why many people find this type of blog helpful. The following are some ideas for money/personal finance blogs:
- Share Your Financial Journey
- Share Your Budgeting Tips
- Share Your Finance Goals
- Share Your Debt-Free story
- Share Your Credit Building Tips
- Share Your Retirement Plans – Do you have retirement plans?
- How will you fund your future?
- Share Your Savings Goals
- Share Your Investments
- Ideas For Organizing Lifestyle Blogs
– Organization & Home Decor Lifestyle Blogs
These are blogs that focus on organizing people’s homes and lives. They often include tips for decluttering and organizing. The following are the ideas for organizing lifestyle blogs: you can write on the following:
- Home organization
- Kitchen organization
- How to overcome procrastination.
- How to organize your closet
- How to organize your kid’s rooms
- Books to read for proper organization
- Books to read for inspiration
- How To Decorate your baby’s bedroom
- How To Decorate your house on a budget
– Ideas For Time Management & Productivity Lifestyle Blogs
The blog topics are for lifestyle bloggers who write about time management and productivity which is one of my favorite topics because I need these tips so badly :)…but I digress.
- Teach your readers how to prioritize tasks and maximize productivity.
- Share with them the art of effective goal-setting especially the popular SMART objectives and beyond.
- I struggle with this one: Give them insight into time-blocking techniques for optimizing their daily schedules.
- This issue effects so many people: How to overcome procrastination: practical tips for taking action.
- Your audience would love to hear about the power of batching and streamlining their tasks for efficiency.
- Show them how to create a productive workspace: organization and optimization tips.
- If you work from home you need this blog post: Time management for remote workers: maintaining focus and balance.
- Let your audience know about this powerful 25 minute hack: The Pomodoro Technique: boosting productivity with focused work intervals.
- Squirrel brains unite: Strategies for managing distractions and staying focused.
- We all love tools so share your favorites with your readers: Productivity apps and tools to enhance workflow and organization.
- Teach people how to say no: Setting boundaries: saying no to time-wasting activities.
- Celebrate your readers by teaching them to care for themselves: Prioritizing self-care in a busy schedule: strategies for balance.
– Ideas For Relationship Lifestyle Blogs
Relationship Lifestyle Blogs are blogs that cover topics related to relationships. The following are the ideas for writing relationship lifestyle blogs:
- Advice on dating
- Dating tips
- Dating stories
- How to overcome breakups
- Divorce stories
- Parenting stories
- Building strong relationships between Kids and parents.
- What to wear during Valentine’s Day.
- Tips to look out for in your partner
- Relationship red flags
- Wedding ideas
- Relationship quotes
– Ideas For Travel Lifestyle Blogs
Travel Lifestyle Blogs are blogs that provide information about travel destinations, tours, hotels, restaurants, and other aspects of traveling. The following are the idea for travel lifestyle blogs:
- Packing Lists
- Destination Guides
- Hotel Reviews
- Trip Planning
- Tour Reviews
- Food Reviews
- Budget Travel
- 10 popular places to visit in each place you’ve traveled
- Interviews with locals.
- How to plan for next summer travel
– Ideas For Weight Loss & Fitness Blogs
This blog focuses on weight loss, nutrition, exercise, fitness, healthy eating, and diet. Some weight loss blogs also include personal training services. the following are some ideas for weight loss and fitness blogs:
- Diet plans
- Exercise tips
- Weight loss programs
- Fitness apps
- Fitness equipment
- Weight loss products
- Health foods
- Workout routines
- Strength training
- Importance of going to the gym.
- Importance of exercising
- How to calculate your body mass.
– Bonus Suggestions On Planning Your Blog Posts
I know you might be thinking that you can only use blog post ideas from ONE of these categories. However, I totally disagree. The beauty of a lifestyle blog is that you can talk about a wide array of topics.
While you might choose to niche down your topic, you don’t necessarily have to. You could instead narrow down your audience and then write about a variety of topics that people in that audience would love.
For instance, a Christian woman very well could be interested in blog post topics from the cleaning, parenting, Christian, and fashion lifestyle blog post categories.
If you’re multi-passionate, don’t feel like you have to box yourself into one category.
Yes, it can be harder to make the blog a success but if you write about subjects you love, you’re more likely to stick with your blog over the long haul.
So pick ideas from different categories as long as they make sense for your blog’s audience.
Pro tip: Looking for ways to organize your blog post ideas and content? Then I definitely recommend you use Trello! I talk about how I used the free app Trello to transform how I organize my blog posts and more.
– Conclusion To Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas
Okay loves, I hope that you have found some ideas that you can use on your own blog. Lifestyle blogs are blogs on any topic related to lifestyle and well-being, which is why you can combine so many different ideas into one site.
Lifestyle blogs help you not only relate to your audience but also inspire and educate them as well.
If 128 Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas has helped you, please share it on Pinterest or Facebook! Thanks, love!