Pinterest Marketing For Bloggers: 3 Costly Mistakes You Must Stop Making!

Pinterest Marketing Mistakes To Avoid
I’ve seen this happen over and over again on Pinterest. And I’d ask myself why do people post pins like that on Pinterest? But it turns out…I’ve been making some of the same Pinterest marketing mistakes that I’ve judged my fellow pinners on.
And for that, I must apologize.
I’m sorry for judging my fellow bloggers and Pinterest marketers because sometimes you just don’t know how big of a mistake you are making until it just hits you in the face.
That’s exactly what happened to me.
I promise to share my eye-opening story with you so that you too can learn which mistakes you shouldn’t make when creating your Pinterest pins.
This post is for you if you are:
1) A blogging beginner who just got started on Pinterest and don’t know much about pinning
2) You’re a blogger who has been pinning on Pinterest for a while but you haven’t gained much traffic for your endeavors
3) You’re a blogger (or frequent Pinterest pin creator of any kind) and you don’t understand why some of your pins go viral and some don’t seem to catch much attention at all.
If any of these scenarios apply to you then I invite you to stick around as I share my little story about what I learned today while I was pinning and then what you can learn from my Pinterest experience.
Trust me…you’ll want to stick around. You might be making the same mistake!
Tip: If you’re just getting started with Pinterest Marketing and you feel totally lost, be on the lookout near the bottom of this post for my freebie: Top 5 Pinterest Marketing Resources I Wish I Had Before My Blog Launch.
These have been the most helpful Pinterest marketing resources that I have ever used and I refer to them again and again.
Pinterest Marketing Mistakes I Didn’t Know I Was Making
Okay, so I had just created a lot of new pins per Pinterest’s new guidelines for 2020 (Fresh pins, get your fresh pins).
I have been experimenting with uploading pins manually vs scheduling through Tailwind.
Today I decided to upload a fresh pin directly to Pinterest.
I upload my new Pinterest graphic only to realize that the board that I needed to upload that new pin to was actually a secret board.
So I went to that board, after I had already pinned that pin, so that I can make the board visible.
This is when I saw my new pin next to some of my old pins. The difference was startling.
I supposed I hadn’t written any posts about this topic in a while and I had upped my pin creation game since then.
And whoa.
What a difference between my new and my old pin. I’m going to show you a screen shot of this board and you tell me which pin is the new pin and which one is the new pin.
Let me know in the comments which one you think is the new pin and which one is the old one…
Although I will give you a spoiler later on in the post so you have been warned.
So now let’s talk about what dawned on me as I looked at these standing next to each other ( do pins stand?…probably not). These are the lessons that I learned just from uploading one pin.
3 Major Pinterest Marketing Mistakes You’re Making With Your Pins That Cost You Dearly
1) Your Pin Is Too Small
How many times have I read this particular piece of advice? I mean at least a million times.
And yet here it was right in my face that a lot of the pins that I had been making were (in my opinion) too small. Look at the difference between these two pins again…
See how much larger the yellow pin is vs the other pin? It stands out so much on the board and guess what?
It would stand out so much more in a sea of other pins in someone’s Pinterest feed or search.
Short, horizontal pins just don’t tend to stand out. And pins that don’t stand out don’t get clicks…at least not many.

Not a good pin. It’s short. The fonts too small. The fonts too scripty.
And although my pin on the right is not short or horizontal, it is shorter than the pin on the left and it’s shorter than so many other pins on Pinterest.
I know this and I thought I was using a pin that was quite long but it could still take up more real estate on Pinterest.
*quick note: I also think that this pin also stands out because of the colors on the pin but I won’t necessarily be discussing that in this post
2) The writing is too scripty
I love script font. I want so badly to use it. And I probably still will in some ways. However, there’s no doubt about it, script fonts are harder to read.
When you consider that you have merely seconds to grab someone’s attention as they are scrolling through the Pinterest feed at rapid pace, script fonts are not your friend.
If someone has to decipher the text on your pin, more than likely they will be moving right along. Ain’t nobody got time for that truly. You want to use fonts that are easy to read.
Of course there are some script fonts that are easier to read than others so if you do use script fonts then be sure to use an easier to read one.
3) Text Placement and Highlighting Matters
Another major difference that I noticed about my before and after pins was this.
In my old pin, I didn’t make my important keywords stand out.
In fact, I may not have even had any real keywords on that pin that was being searched for on Pinterest.
But what I did want to stand out was “wise women”. I can safely say that I did NOT accomplish that.
Wise women does not stand out on that pin.
Conversely, on the newer pin (yellow), my keyword that I wanted to stand out was emotionally. And it stands out fo sho. Not only does it stand out on the pin but I believe the whole pin itself will stand out in a sea of other pins.
And this my friends is what we want.
I’m going to track this pin and see how well it does and report back.
Are You Making These Pinterest Marketing Mistakes?
Okay ya’ll I hope that you have learned something today.
I would suggest you go back and look at some of your poorly performing pins in the light of these 3 tips and see if maybe those pins have fallen victim to some of these bad habits.
If you find some pins that are breaking some “Pinterest rules” make some new pins that are longer, are easier to read, and have better text placement and see if that helps increase your clicks.
The Top 5 Pinterest Marketing Tools I Wish I’d Had Before I Created My First Pin
If you’re struggling to understand Pinterest then I want to share with you this freebie I created.
Having these resources in the beginning or even middle of my journey would have saved me from so many Pinterest marketing headaches.
If you’re interested, just enter your email below and I’ll send you this resource FREE and you’ll also be subscribed to my newsletter with blogging insights, tips, discounted blogging resources, and more!
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