How Many Blog Posts You Should Write Before Launching Your Blog!

person sitting at table on a laptop

How many blog posts should I have before launching This is the article that I wish I had read before I launched my blogs. Why? Because it is filled with information about blog content that would have saved me so many headaches! But you’re much smarter than me so you decided to do some research […]

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How To Write High-Quality Blog Posts At Lightning Speed To Promote Your Business: 9 Hacks You Need To Know!

woman writing at white desk how to write blog posts faster

How To Write High-Quality Blog Posts Faster Than Ever Before! Want to write blog posts fast without sacrificing quality? I hear you! Blogs are an essential marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. Blogs help your business build a following in a very short period of time, while also demonstrating your expertise and professionalism. However, […]

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5 Unique Prayer Ideas & Examples For Business Owners For To Pray Daily For Wisdom, Growth & Success!

hands open in prayer teal box prayers for business owners

5 Types Of Prayers For Small Business Owners To Lift Up To Our Heavenly Father Are you a business owner or a new start-up? Maybe you own a small business already but you need to see appreciable positive changes in your business. It is completely normal to face overwhelming challenges in life and business but […]

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10 Best Proverbs for Business to Guide You on Your Path to Entrepreneurship (Even When You’re Scared To Start)!

background: woman on laptop with flowers teal box overlay proverbs for business

10 scriptures from proverbs and how they can be used to start, run, grow a business Did you think it would be this hard? Maybe you knew how hard getting a blog or business off the ground would be. However, many bloggers and entrepreneurs were clueless, clueless I say, about just how difficult this whole […]

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9 Inspiring Business-Related Scriptures All Christian Bloggers Should Use As Motivation

business-related scriptures for Christian bloggers

9 Scriptures Related To Business That Will Motivate Your To Keep Going! Sometimes as Christian bloggers and online business owners we can get discouraged and unmotivated to fulfill our calling. The long and sometimes seemingly fruitless hours can get totally frustrating! But regardless of any circumstance, God’s word has the encouragement we need to continue […]

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40+ Blogging Tasks You Can Do On Your Phone To Stay Amazingly Productive Wherever You Are (+ Free Checklist)!

picture of my blogging task checklist

Over 40 Blogging Tasks You Can Do On The Phone While Your In The Grocery Checkout Line So I’m sitting in a Kohl’s “lobby” waiting on my family while they are shopping and I thought how pertinent that was since I was writing a post about how you can work on your blog from your […]

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How Your Business Can Make More Sales With An Amazing Trello Content Calendar Calendar & Planner!

pic of a content calendar created in trello

How to create a bomb editorial or content calendar to promote your business and make more sales So have ya’ll created a content calendar for your blog yet? If your blog content creation is sporadic (like mine) then you definitely want to start using a content calendar and if you’re not convinced then maybe you […]

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