Pinterest Strategy: How To Pin On Pinterest In 2021 The Safe Way!

Will This Pinterest Strategy Work For Bloggers In 2020?
Okay so 2020 has been a crazy year in so many ways and Pinterest is no exception.
If you’re a part of any Facebook groups for bloggers then you have probably heard some variation on this question:
“I’m so frustrated with Pinterest right now! How do I pin on Pinterest so that I won’t get banned?”
And I have been right there with these people. Pinterest has changed their algorithm so much this year that I’ve stopped keeping track.
Honestly, I had been off of Pinterest for some months and not pinning anything because I didn’t have a clear pinning strategy for my blogs.
But I believe I finally understand how to pin on Pinterest without getting on Pinterest’s bad side so please stay tuned.
I’m super excited to share this with you all because I believe it will really help you create a super simple Pinterest strategy and grow your blog traffic!
However, first I want to answer a few basic Pinterest marketing questions that bloggers should know before we continue.
Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your blogging journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about and from companies that I trust like Amazon and others. Please let me know if you have any questions.
How do I get free traffic to Pinterest?
I don’t want to assume anything about you because it’s possible that you just stumbled upon this blog post without knowing much about how Pinterest can bring free targeted traffic to your blog.
Many people believe that Pinterest is just for pinning and saving recipes or crafts but there are millions of people on Pinterest searching for ideas and information on a variety of topics.
And you can attract those Pinterest users to your blog by creating your own Pinterest business account, creating pins that are search engine optimized, and linking those pins to blog posts on your own blog.
And you don’t have to pay a dime to do any of this.
Pinning on Pinterest to promote your blog is completely free!
Now I’m not going to go into how you do all of that in this post but I will be writing posts soon on how to do all of these things.
For right now, I just wanted you to get a clear picture on the simple process of using Pinterest to attract targeted readers to your blog.
Click the link to learn more about Pinterest marketing:
Let me give you an example using this very post that you’re reading right now.
Once I post this blog post on my blog (and if you’re reading this post then I’ve already done that), I will create a pin using a design program called Canva.
Once that Pinterest pin is created, I will go to Pinterest, do a little keyword research, and use relevant keywords in my pin description and in my pin title.
Then I will post that pin and let Pinterest do the rest.
Pinning on Pinterest to promote your blog is completely free!
And if I keyworded my pin properly, Pinterest users who are searching for “Pinterest Marketing” or “pinning strategy 2020” will hopefully find my pin.
And if I’ve designed that pin properly, then they will feel compelled to click on my pin.
And if I’ve made my pin description enticing enough, they will click the pin and it will lead them to my blog post on creating a pinning strategy in 2020.
Does that make sense?
Hopefully it illustrated how you can use Pinterest to get free traffic to your blog.
How do I increase my visibility on Pinterest?
I talked in the last section about keyword research and you might have like ummm what’s that?
You can read my post about SEO and keyword research if you want to learn more about keyword research in general.
A short explanation of how to do keyword research on Pinterest is this:
- Go to
- Type in a keyword that you want a blog post to be find under. For example for this blog post I would type “pinterest pinning strategy” in the search box on Pinterest.
- Once you’ve searched on Pinterest for your keyword, hopefully you will see ovals/boxes that look like this right under the search field.
Do you see those gray and green ovals under the search field? Those “boxes” have words in them that are keywords that people are searching for on Pinterest.
This gives you direct insight as to what people are typing into Pinterest in order to find information about this specific topic.
Quick tip: if you don’t see any boxes under the search field after you have typed in a search term, that usually indicates that this is not a highly searched term on Pinterest and may not garner you a lot of traffic to your blog.
- Now you should pick some of the most relevant keywords and use them in your pin description on your pin so that your pin will show up in Pinterest’s search results.
Pro Tip: Another way to increase your visibility on Pinterst is by creating eye catching pins like this post talks about.
How often should you post on Pinterest?
How often you pin on Pinterest will depend on several factors and honestly you will just have to experiment and see what works best for your own Pinterest strategy.
And I want to be transparent and say that this aha moment didn’t just come to me on my own but through a brilliant course that I have called Pinterest Traffic Avalanche.
However, here are some rules of thumb to go by when determining how often you pin on Pinterest:
- If you have a newer account plan on pinning pretty heavily in the beginning to start building up your account (I’ll discuss what to pin later on).
- Pretty heavily would be in a range of 20-30 pins per day. Some people go even higher than that but it is recommended to go no higher than 50 pins a day.
- I’ve tried to do this and it’s exhausting trying to create this many pins but if you feel like you can then this MIGHT work for you.
- But seriously, I wouldn’t do more than 30 with about 15 or more of those being other people’s pins especially if you’re account is less than 3 months old.
- Like I said, this should be a combination of pinning your own pins and pinning other relevant pins to your account.
Now read this next part carefully because it is super important.
How do I create a Pinterest strategy?
So how do you create a pinning strategy?
I know people are so confused about this and I was too but now I believe I truly understand how to do this now and I wanted to share this with you.
And I want to be transparent and say that this aha moment didn’t just come to me on my own but through a brilliant course that I have called Pinterest Traffic Avalanche (click to learn more).
Now I’m not going to reveal too much of their strategy because I know that they’ve worked hard to figure this stuff out and they deserve to be paid for their blogging wisdom.
But I will share this with you that I believe will help you understand how you should pin on Pinterest.
How you should pin on Pinterest is this:
You should pin a different/unique/fresh pin to each relevant board that you have on your Pinterest account leading even when it leads to the same blog post.
Okay, yes I know you’ve heard this before.
It doesn’t seem that revelatory perhaps but let me give you an example and an illustration that I believe will help you truly understand how this works.
Let’s my Healthy As You Can Pinterest account (my second blog.)
Let’s say I wrote a blog post called “How To Walk For Weight Loss” and I started creating pins for it.
The old way to pinning strategy would have been like this:
Create one (1) pin and then pin that pin to all of my relevant Pinterest boards.
So if I had 6 boards that were relevant to weight loss and walking for fitness, then I would pin that 1 pin on all of those boards, usually spaced on some days apart.
However, this is the new way that you are supposed to pin:
Let’s say you have 6 boards, like I mentioned earlier, that are relevant to walking for weight loss like:
- Walk At Home
- Lose Weight Walking
- Weight Loss For Beginners
- Health And Fitness
- Weight Loss (Group Board)
- Diet and Fitness (Group Board)
Instead of creating 1 pin to go on each of those boards, you would create 6 DIFFERENT pins to pin to each of these relevant boards.
So what do I mean by different pins?
I mean each one of these pins will have unique images.
Now some people teach that you don’t necessarily have to change the image out completely.
They say that you can just move the picture around some to where it just looks different.
That might work for some people and that’s fine but I don’t do that so I don’t teach that.
I use a completely different image for each pin that I make.
And to be honest, some people still pin using the old method and that works for some but for some it gets them banned.
Needless to say, I don’t teach that method either.
Now let me just go over this one more time:
Create a new pin for each relevant board.
If your blog post is about walking for weight loss and you have 4 Pinterest boards related to walking for weight loss, then create 4 different pins.
Then take the 1st pin and post it to one relevant board.
Take the 2nd pin and post it to another relevant board.
Pin the 3rd pin to the 3rd relevant board.
And finally pin the 4th pin to the 4th relevant board.
Do not pin that 2nd pin and pin it to the 4th relevant board.
We are not repinning.
We are pinning a pin once and letting that pin go off into the sunset.
Make sense?
Still Confused About This New Pinterest Strategy For 2020-2021?
Is this Pinterest strategy still making you scratch your head? I gotchu.
Just download my free illustration (and other freebies in my resource library) that shows you step by step what to do.
I believe it will help you visualize what I’m saying and make this so much easier.
Enter your email in the box below and I’ll send you the link to the resource library and the password to get in!
Want to read this post later? Save it to one of your Pinterest boards!
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