87 Spirit-Filled Christian Blog Niche Ideas To Start Your Amazing Blogging Journey

Looking for a list of Christian blog niche ideas? Look no further! I’ve got 87 ideas to start your journey off right!
When I first started my blog Healthy As You Can, I was super confused about my niche and my audience.
I had so many ideas and I just couldn’t figure out who I was talking to and what kind of content they wanted to read.
So I struggled mightily. I would pray and then make adjustments to my content. I’d pray some more and make more changes.
Eventually, I was able to figure out who my blog was for and what my overall vision was for my blog.
But it took seemingly forever to get where I am so if you are struggling with choosing a niche, be encouraged.
I have other blog posts about choosing a blog niche besides this one that you’re reading. And in this post I have tons of blog niche ideas to help you figure who you should serve with your blog.
I’m excited to present them to you so let’s go ahead and get started!
– Where is God Leading You?
Now as you know because we’re Christian bloggers, it is not always about what we personally want to blog about.
We have to figure out what it is that God is calling us to blog about and it can be really difficult to figure out.
As I mentioned, I have personally struggled with this. I have two blogs. One is called Healthy As You Can and then of course Christian Blogging Academy.
Christian Blogging Academy has been easy (comparatively)for me to create content as I’m a Christian blogger. And I’m writing about blogging as a Christian.
Pretty easy but for Healthy As You Can it has been a little bit more difficult to pick my niches and so I totally understand those of you who are struggling and unsure about the direction that you should go in.
It’s possible that you won’t know immediately. It’s possible that you might need to go ahead and start your blog even if you’re still unsure about what your blog’s niche.
That’s totally normal and OK so don’t be scared if you aren’t sure just go ahead and step out in faith and you’ll figure it out.
If you haven’t gone ahead and read my blog post about naming your blog then please do that but know that in that post I let the cat out of the bag and said it really doesn’t matter that much about what you name it.
So if you’re unsure about your blog’s main topic, you might want to name your blog something that is a little vague so that you can be flexible and in what you should write about.
However, if you can truly narrow down a niche, in the beginning, you will be so much better off in the long run.
You can build your community, brand, traffic, and email list so much easier if you know what you are truly talking about from the get-go.
Now I’m going to share with you over 70 different blog niche ideas that you could write about and as you look them over I want you to pray about what it is that you should choose.
Even if you don’t see your potential blog niche among the list you might be inspired and feel lead to another topic so glance over it and see where the Holy Spirit is guiding you.
As you look over the list, prayerfully consider them and hopefully you will be able to find the perfect one.
While you’re here, I want to share with you that I have created an in-depth guide about choosing a blog niche.
It gets super-specific and walks you step by step through the process of figuring out the perfect blog niche for you.
You’ll also get access to my Christian Blogging Roadmap!
Just enter your email address below and I’ll send you the link to the guide.
Okay now, let’s so these 94 ideas ya’ll…the list is massive!
– Top 94 Christian Blog Niche Ideas
These are the types of Christian blogs that you can create and start sharing your wisdom and expertise with the people who need it! These Christian blog niches are ones that will help you minister to others
1.Christian living (how to live as a Christian or Christ-follower)
2. How to be a proverbs 31 woman
3. How to be a Titus 2 woman
4. Bold women of the bible
5. Apologetics
6. Single
7. Newlyweds
8. Marriage with kids
9. Marriage with no kids
10. Second marriage
11. Divorce
12. Special needs kids
13. Childhood sexual trauma
14. Sexual abuse
15. Emotional abuse
16. Physical/domestic abuse
17. Drug addiction
18. Sex addiction
19. Sexual purity
20. Emotional and mental wellness
21. Lifestyle blog
22. Weight loss (keto and the king)
23. Health general
24. Homelessness (surviving and helping )
25. Natural living
26. Writing for Him
27. Getting through college without losing faith
28. Evangelism
29. Raising faithful children
30. Cancer survival
31. Getting out of debt
32. Financial freedom general
33. Being faithful in the workplace or in your work
34. Applying Old Testament principles to Christianity
35. Sex trafficking
36. Politics and how it relates to Christianity
37. Prophecy
38. Anxiety
39. Depression
40. Business
41. Life of Jesus Christ
42. Marriage restoration
43. Adultery
44. End times
45. Women in the bible
46. Stepchildren
47. Environmental
48. Raising children
49. Single motherhood/fatherhood
50. Purity/sexual struggles as a single man or woman
51. Homosexuality
52. Abortion
53. Losing children loved ones to violence
54. Deployment
55. The life of a military wife or husband
56. Homemaker
57. Hospitality
58. DIYs
59. Cleaning up your neighborhood crime
60. Teaching boys to be men
61. Teaching girls to be women
62. Career counseling
63. Toddlers
64. Teenagers tweens
65. Babies
66. Food
67. Modesty
68. Sewing (making clothes for others)
69. Self-defense (men teaching others how to defend themselves)
70. Diabetes management
71. Prayer
72. Holy spirit
73. Major prophets
74. Conflict with adult children
75. Beauty
76. Social media?
77. Travel and missions
78. Loneliness/social anxiety
79. Creativity
81. Disability
83. Teachers
84. Reviewing Christian products
85. Reviewing Christian media
86. Book reviews
87. How to write (insert talent here)
88. Bible studies
89. Christian News Blogs
90. Christian personal finance blog
91. Christian parenting blog
92. Stories of Christian Faith
93. Speaking in tongues (suggestion from a reader)
94. Bible journaling
– Did You Find The Perfect Niche For Your New Christian Blog?
OK, guys that was the list!
I hope there was something on the list that has sparked your imagination.
Or maybe you had an aha moment! If nothing came to you, don’t get frustrated.
God will lead you to the perfect blog topic for you in His time and you will be so relieved when He does.
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How To Stop Procrastinating & Start Your Christian Blogging Journey (Even If It Scares You) Part 1
How To Stop Procrastinating & Start Your Christian Blogging Journey (Even If It Scares You) Part 2
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