3 Ways Your Christian Blog Could Make A Spiritual Impact On The World

Spiritual Impact Of Your Christian Blog
You think about it all the time.
You read about other Christian bloggers and authors and you have that wistful longing to belong to that group.
“I could be a blogger. I could write books” you’ve thought time and time again. You dream about titles of books, blog posts, how creative you would be but that’s where it ends..in a dream.
Eventually, so-called “life” gets in the way because you’ve convinced ourselves that a blogging life is for other people.
It’s not a realistic goal to try and do this full time, so instead, you continue day after day year after year working in a job that you are grateful for but not passionate about.
It’s the safe route.
It’s normal.
It’s responsible.
Furthermore, writing doesn’t really matter all that much in the long run. It doesn’t really impact that many people, right?
If this is your thinking then I’m going to be really rude and tell you that you’re wrong (sorry).
Writing is incredibly powerful.
Think about it. How do we know about the commandments of God and the teachings of Jesus?
Through the written word. That alone shows how impactful words can be.
Besides that, books have changed the lives and mindsets of countless people throughout history.
It’s the reason why people still talk about Aristotle or Shakespeare hundred of years after their deaths.
Their words made a huge impact on their societies and many others around the world. We should never discount the power of the written word.
But as a Christian, besides the obvious benefits of being a full-time writer or blogger, like freedom, a fulfilling career, and no limit on the amount of income you can earn there are even more important and I’d say critical reasons to become a writer.
Let’s dive in and discuss those reasons now.
How Your Blog Could Impact The World For Christ
1)You Could Help Combat Lies Told About Christianity
I’m finna make a confession now, y’all (hey I’m southern what can I say).
When I was in college I was at war with Christianity.
That may be slightly hyperbolic but I was very much of the mindset that Christianity was potentially false, God was potentially not real and all Christians were potential hypocrites.
And even if He was real, with all the pain and suffering in the world, did He really love us?
I wrote a paper that proclaimed the moral failings of Christians.
I was borderline agnostic.
But I wasn’t quite ready to give Christianity up completely.
I had to know what was true.
So you know what I did right?
Yep, you guessed it, I read.
I read different books, blogs, and websites about apologetics and it helped me finally understand so many things about God, the church, and Christianity in general.
Now I’m completely in the Christian camp but if it hadn’t been for those books, I’m not sure where I would be now.
Well, guess what?
You could be the one writing those books and blog posts that help either bring people to the Lord or bring them back to the Lord.
What a blessing we have to be able to have those opportunities.
2)Help People With Their Problems
Have you ever thought that your words could help turn someone’s else’s life around?
Something that you write might give that reader a breakthrough with a problem or sin they are struggling with.
And there are all sorts of issues that people desperately want solutions for and they use Google every day to search for those solutions.
How amazing would it be if someone struggling with a divorce or an abusive husband could go to google searching for help and they found your blog on the first page offering your biblical solutions and personal experience on how to overcome these painful issues?
Your unique experience and perspective may be what lots of people need to help them get through these problems.
It could be why God is calling you to write.
Obviously, your writing will impact someone.
Don’t you want to find out what affects your words could have on someone’s life?
Or see how God will use you to influence someone for Him? Sounds pretty exciting, doesn’t it?
3)You Could Bring Someone To Christ.
Let’s say that the blogs or the books you feel lead to write aren’t necessarily Christian in nature.
Maybe your blog is about sewing, fashion, makeup, cars, etc and you think well I can’t serve God with a blog like that so it’s no big deal if I don’t start one or not.
Well, umm, I’m here to tell you that’s wrong again.
You absolutely can serve God and influence others for Him in a blog that’s not necessarily in a Christian genre.
I’m going to get a little political here if you don’t mind.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but when you read articles online that have nothing to do politics or religion, some journalists can still manage to get a jab in at a political party they don’t like or a religion they don’t agree with.
You can do the same thing with your writing except of course not doing it to disparage anyone’s belief but to just share your own.
For instance, in my blog post about how to find keywords, which has nothing to do with prayer, I used an example of searching for the keyword phrase “overcoming anxiety with prayer”.
That’s not exactly spreading the gospel though so that’s why I created a page called the gospel and put it in my top navigation menu so that anyone who comes here and doesn’t know the Lord could learn about Him if they had a desire to.
The idea is to plant seeds as much as you can.
How amazing would it be if there were all kinds of blogs that had a gospel page linked to its top menu? There’s no telling how many seeds could be planted!
Are you ready to start your Christian Blog?
I know you’ve been dreaming of a writing or blogging career especially if you’ve read this far.
Why deny it any longer?
Stop dreaming about writing a book or starting a blog.
Stop putting off your dreams because you think they are unrealistic.
God gave you those dreams for a reason! We are supposed to use the talents He gave us for His glory.
I don’t want you to be 80 years old full of regret that you never went for it because you were too scared.
God does not give us a spirit of fear. If you need help overcoming that fear and banishing procrastination then you can get my book True Transformation.
It gives you actionable faith-based steps on how to overcome fear and procrastination.
These techniques work because they worked for me.
If you want to be a blogger but are scared to start or you are a blogger but you aren’t really putting that much effort into it, this book is going to help you push through your issues.
I’m pursuing my dream of being a full-time blogger and writer and I’m so grateful for this opportunity and the freedom that we have to be able to do that.
What a blessing we have in this country to be able to write and express ourselves.
I don’t want to squander that and I don’t believe you want it either.
I’m also offering a free checklist or roadmap that will help you stay on course in your blogging journey. It has steps for:
- Setting Up and Creating Your Blog
- Networking With Other Bloggers
- Creating An Email Sales Funnel
- Traffic Generation
- Affiliate Marketing
- and more
Here’s a little sneak peek:
Thanks so much guys for being here…it really means a lot!
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