Christian Blog Name Ideas : 5 Brilliant Ways To Choose The Perfect One (With Picture Examples)

How To Choose A Name For Your Christian Blog
Choosing a Christian blog name can be a daunting task.
Luckily I have some Christian blog name ideas for you that will have you choosing a blog name and buying your domain name in a snap!
So you’ve decided to follow your calling to be a blogger. But how do you come up with ideas on what to name your Christian blog that will attract your ideal readers?
You might be thinking to yourself ” I can’t decide what my blog name should be. How do I come up with ideas?
How do I narrow down my ideas and pick one? Does my blog name really matter?”
I know I know… there are so many questions regarding right and it’s hard to know where to start.
Of course, I always say start with a prayer to see if God already has a name picked out for your blog.
However, if it hasn’t been that simple then I’m going to share with you 5 different ways to discover the perfect name for your blog.
I also want to talk about why it’s important to start a Christian blog at all.
Christian Blog Name Brainstorm Free Download
However, before we get started, I created a free printable called Christian Blog Name Brainstorm that I believe will be so helpful to you.
Because if you download it and use it as you’re reading this post, you could either have your blog name already created or have it narrowed down to a few options.
It guides you through each method of choosing a blog name and I also provide a sample or example of how to fill the whole thing out!
Just enter your email address below and you will be sent the password and the link to the resource library where you can download the Brainstorm printable.
Why Start A Christian Blog In The First Place
In my blog post about signs God is calling you to be a blogger, I talk about 3 signs that God might be calling you to be a blogger that you shouldn’t ignore.
Why would God call you to be a blogger though? God calls us to use our talents for His glory and to further His kingdom.
So Him calling us to build a platform online would be no different.
He is calling us to build online platforms to use our talents to serve and glorify Him and serve others.
He wants us to use our talents to touch another person, to help hurting people, help lost people, help people who are confused about life, to use our talents to teach others, to illuminate truth to those who can’t see it.
Starting a Christian blog is a powerful thing ya’ll.
We are teachers and its a job to take very seriously as we know that those who teach are held responsible for what they teach.
James 3:1
Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.
Sobering right? This is important work that God is calling us to do. And it’s truly an honor and blessing too.
I hope you feel as blessed as I do in this calling!
First Steps In Creating A Christian Blog
So I’m assuming that if you are reading this you haven’t actually started your blog yet.
You might feel a little overwhelmed but I pray that my blog will be a help to you as you start this journey.
One of the first things you need to do when creating a blog is to of course come up with a blog name so that’s what I will discuss next.
Then after that, I will teach you some of the next few steps you should take in your blogging journey so stay tuned!
5 Brilliant Christian Blog Name Ideas
Below are five ways you can create a Christian blog name. Now, most of these ideas will work even if your blog will not be faith-based. Just use these tips to guide you.
1. Use your name
One way is to just use your name as your blog’s domain name. Just keep it simple.
You don’t have to come up with some grandiose idea if you don’t want to. Just use your own name.
So if your name is Mary Baker you can name your blog Easy peezy. You don’t have to make it fancy or complicated.
Naming your blog with your own name gives you flexibility that other types of blog names can’t.
That’s because if your blog name is your name no one knows what your blog is about and if you’re unsure of which blog niche you want to choose, this sort of blog name gives you room to discover what you should blog about.
This allows you to grow into your blog niche and content. You have to be locked into a certain niche with some types of blog names but not with this idea.
There’s one drawback, however…
You really need to have a strong personal brand and a strong, memorable personality that will make readers want to come back.
2. Choose A Keyword
Another way you can choose a Christian blog name is to use a keyword. This is for people who are clear on what their blog niche will be.
For instance, if you know for sure that you’re going to talk about parenting and not just parenting in general but you’re gonna talk about being a single mother then you can name your blog
Now, why would you want to do this?
You would want to do this because first of all people who are searching for tips on single motherhood might type that those keywords into Google and once they type that into Google then your blog might be one of the first results for that word.
In fact, you could niche down (or narrow down) your blog niche even more and call your blog
Christian single moms would naturally gravitate towards that type of website because it fits their situation. They would assume that the blog owner will give godly parenting advice to Christian mothers who are single.
Just like you probably assumed that I would be giving godly advice to Christian bloggers (and you were right!).
I bet you can guess just based on the name of these blogs what they write about (especially the second one ;)).
3. Choose based on the feeling you want your reader to have
Another idea for choosing your blog name is this…since we are Christian bloggers something that you might want to do is think about is how you want your reader to feel when they first come onto your website.
One way that you can convey a certain feeling is by naming your blog something that will resonate with your target reader.
For instance, if you know that you were going to talk about healing from a divorce or any kind of trauma right and you might name your blog hope because you want people to come to your blog and say “oh wow that’s exactly what I’m looking for.
This is what I need. I feel hopeless and I believe that this person‘s content will take me from hopeless to hopeful.” So once again if you know exactly what you’re going to be about this is a good way for you to choose your blog.
The feeling that the blog name My Cup Runs Over conveys is that you will find ways to simplify your busy life, destress, and find rest from all of the busyness of life.
It makes me think of a mom is might be at her wit’s end and she needs some tips on how to handle everything that’s in her cup.
4. Choose something cutesy or playful
Honestly, I thought about putting this option underneath number three but I decided to separate this one.
Think about a blog Like Chasing Foxes. This name is really is cute and it tells you absolutely nothing about the blog and what the topics will be about.
And they’ve been extremely successful with that name. You would just need to know that you might have to work a little bit harder in order to reach your audience.
Do you have any idea what this blog is about? Nope not based on the name but it’s super cute. Nor has it stopped her blog from being very successful.
5. Use scripture phrases
The last idea for choosing a blog name is to use scriptural phrases. This is a practice that’s really popular among Christian bloggers.
It tells your readers right away that you will be blogging from a Christian perspective. An example of this would be Being Confident of This.
Another reason why you might want to use a scriptural phrase is not only does it tell your readers right away that you will be blogging from a Christian perspective but it also leaves the door open for you to blog about a variety of topics similar to the way using your own name as your blog name does.
I’ve Picked My Domain Name…Now What?
So after you’ve picked a domain name, you now need to go purchase that domain name before someone else swoops it up!
It’s so frustrating to come up with the perfect domain name only to go to buy it and someone else already has it!
Then you have to go back to the drawing board or add words to the domain name to make it different but its’ not what you really want.
So if you’ve truly picked out the name, go ahead and buy it, if you’re sure about it.
Where Do You Buy A Domain Name?
So far, the only website where I’ve bought domain names is Godaddy.
They have reasonable prices, I’ve had no issues buying from them and I’ve used them for many years.
I find their dashboard easy to use and I really don’t have any complaints.
Now, I wouldn’t use them for web hosting and I’ll discuss in a minute who I would choose for that.
I wrote an in-depth post on how to purchase a domain name here.
But I would certainly recommend them for getting a domain name and then pointing your name servers to your web host which is fairly simple to do.
So if you’re ready to get started on your blogging journey by buying your domain name you can click below to go to Godaddy.
Click Here To Learn About Godaddy!
This Is What You Do After You Buy Your Domain Name
Okay so you’ve chosen your blog name, you’ve bought your domain name but now what?
Now it’s time to buy your web host.
My preferred web host is Hostgator.
Well, I actually had an email subscriber ask me about this not too long ago.
I told her that I’ve been with them for over 10 years and have used them for various blogs that I’ve owned.
Their customer service has been amazing.
Sometimes I was having a WordPress issue like my site crashed because of a plugin or something else equally as infuriating and I was ready to pull my hair out.
Then I would decide to use Hostgator’s live chat.
I’ve used them all different times of the day and sometimes in the middle of the night.
Just about every time (I only say just about because I can’t really remember and don’t want to be misleading) I contacted them with a problem, they fixed it for me.
Customer service when it comes to your web host is MAJOR.
I can’t stress it enough.
Your blog is your own little corner of the world.
It’s the online platform your building not only to glorify God but also to build your business so you can earn money for you and your family.
So it’s very important to be able to have customer service be available and responsive day or not.
So that’s why I recommend HostGator because they have certainly proven to me that I can count on them when I’m at my wit’s end (and once you start blogging, you’ll find yourself in plenty of technologically induced wit’s end moments).
I have a post about Hostgator if you want to know more about them.
Or you can click the blue button below and learn tons about the plans they offer.
Click To Learn About Hostgator!
Free Download: Step By Step Checklist For Setting Up Your Blog
Having to navigate all of these tech issues as new bloggers can make you feel like giving up.
But I know you’re going to do that.
That’s why I created this simple little checklist that is a step by step tutorial on how to do the following:
- Buying domain name
- Buying your web host service.
- Pointing domain name to your web host.
- Installing WordPress on your web host.
Just enter your email address below and I’ll send you the checklist to your inbox.
You will also become a part of the Christian Blogging Academy community where I send newsletters and additional freebies.
But don’t worry. you can opt-out at any time!
Conclusion: What Will You Name Your Blog?
OK, guys, I hope you enjoyed going over the different ways that you can name your Christian blog.
If you were a little confused about this and you didn’t know where to start I hope this has given you some new ideas and I would love to know in the comments what you plan on naming your blog if you haven’t created one yet.
Or if you have started one go ahead and let me know how you came up with your blog name, I would love to hear it.
Also before you leave or I would love it if you would subscribe to my blog and in return for the favor, I will send you A copy of my Christian blogging Road Map.
This road map will give you the direction on how to launch your blog, grow your first 100 email subscribers and much more.
It gives you the steps to go from blogging beginner to a blogger who is well on their way to making a steady income from their blogs and turning it into a blogging business.
Please enter your email address below and it’ll be sent to your inbox shortly.
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